UTC Aerospace Systems2013-08-13 07:43:14

Cloud Cap Technology TASE400 Units to be Delivered to Saab for Shipboard UAS Operations

UTC Aerospace Systems has received a contract to supply Cloud Cap Technology TASE400 stabilized camera payloads for maritime operations on Saab's "Skeldar" unmanned aerial system (UAS). UTC Aerospace Systems is a unit of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE:UTX).

Units supplied by the company's operations in Hood River, Ore. will be integrated by Cloud Cap Technology's European support partner, Magline Composite Sistemas, beginning later this summer. The complete system is scheduled to be deployed with the end customer by the end of this year.

Skeldar is a flexible multi-mission UAS designed to successfully meet objectives on land or at sea. The Cloud Cap Technology TASE400 camera system integrates seamlessly onto Skeldar, offering the highest performance in the lowest SWaP (size, weight and power) in the industry. TASE400, which includes daylight and cooled continuous zoom MWIR (mid-wave infrared) nighttime imagers, weighs only 7.5lbs, including full GPS, INS (inertial navigation system) and image stabilization as well as scene steering, path track and object tracking.

More information on the Cloud Cap Technology TASE gimbal family and other products can be found at www.cloudcaptech.com.

UTC Aerospace Systems designs, manufactures and services integrated systems and components for the aerospace and defense industries. UTC Aerospace Systems supports a global customer base with significant worldwide manufacturing and customer service facilities. For more information visit http://www.utcaerospacesystems.com.

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