UTC Aerospace Systems2013-07-29 07:46:49

UTC Aerospace Systems engineer selected as INCOSE Fellow

The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) has selected UTC Aerospace Systems engineer Eileen Arnold as an INCOSE Fellow for her outstanding contributions to the worldwide art and practice of systems engineering. UTC Aerospace Systems is a unit of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX).

Formally accepting the distinction at the 23rd Annual INCOSE International Symposium in Philadelphia, Arnold joined a distinguished group of only 64 individuals who have been honored as Fellows since INCOSE's formation in 1990.

Arnold was cited for her leadership and contributions in establishing INCOSE's Expert Systems Engineering Professional (ESEP) credential and industry promotion of systems engineering.

"I've known Ms. Arnold for over a decade now as collaborators of systems engineering activities," said John A. Thomas, President of INCOSE. "I rely on her counsel and leadership as we address issues concerning INCOSE operations and priorities for Board of Directors meetings. Congratulations, Eileen, on this well-deserved Fellows recognition!"

Arnold holds certifications as both an INCOSE ESEP with a Department of Defense Extension (ESEP-Acq) and a Project Management Institute (PMI) Project Management Professional (PMP).

"I am truly humbled by this honor, which will enable me to work more closely with great minds, worldwide, enhancing the practice of systems engineering and systems thinking for the benefit of our planet," explained Arnold. "I am proud to work for UTC Aerospace Systems, which recognizes the need for smarter, more integrated, and efficient aircraft solutions for the aerospace and defense industry."

Arnold has been an active INCOSE volunteer and author since 1996, holding a variety of INCOSE and IEEE local chapter, corporate and international level leadership positions. She is currently a member of the INCOSE Board of Directors, a Chair of the INCOSE Competency Working Group (WG), a member of the PMI-INCOSE Alliance WG and one of the leaders of the INCOSE North Star Chapter.

UTC Aerospace Systems designs, manufactures and services integrated systems and components for the aerospace and defense industries. UTC Aerospace Systems supports a global customer base with significant worldwide manufacturing and customer service facilities.

United Technologies Corp., based in Hartford, Connecticut, is a diversified company providing high technology products and services to the building and aerospace industries.

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