UTC Aerospace Systems2014-02-11 04:53:51

UTC Aerospace Systems expands C.A.R.E. program for maintenance support on Singapore Airline's Boeing 777 Fleet

UTC Aerospace Systems has extended its Comprehensive Accessory Repair and Exchange (C.A.R.E.) program with Singapore Airlines to provide repair services and asset management for the airline's expanded fleet of Boeing 777 aircraft. UTC Aerospace Systems is a unit of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX).

The original C.A.R.E. program for Singapore Airlines began in 2007 and included service coverage of air management and electric power systems for the carrier's B777 fleet. This expansion of the agreement includes service coverage for eight additional B777-300ER aircraft and extends the agreement through the year 2025.

"UTC Aerospace Systems has been providing maintenance and repair services to Singapore Airlines for several years, and we are pleased to continue our relationship through this expansion of the C.A.R.E. program," said Paul Snyder, vice president and general manager of Customer Service for UTC Aerospace Systems' Aircraft Systems segment. "Not only does C.A.R.E. provide Singapore Airlines with service coverage for their growing fleet, but we've also customized parts of the program to make our service support more comprehensive and consistent with Singapore Airlines'

UTC Aerospace Systems' C.A.R.E. program offers total repair and inventory support services and is fully supported by an industry-leading network of top OEM accessory suppliers.

UTC Aerospace Systems designs, manufactures and services integrated systems and components for the aerospace and defense industries. UTC Aerospace Systems supports a global customer base with significant worldwide manufacturing and customer service facilities.

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