UTC Aerospace Systems2014-10-21 11:17:40

UTC Aerospace Systems' WINSLOW LifeRaft Company to Introduce Rescue Laser Flare® Magnum into Life Raft Survival Kits

UTC Aerospace Systems' WINSLOW LifeRaft Company will be displaying Greatland Laser's Rescue Laser Flare® Magnum in booth 3840 at the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) conference in Orlando, Florida from October 21-23. UTC Aerospace Systems is a unit of United Technologies Corp.

"UTC Aerospace Systems is proud to be the first life raft manufacturer to add a Rescue Laser Flare® Magnum as standard equipment in our aftermarket WINSLOW LifeRaft Company survival kits starting in the first quarter of 2015," said UTC Aerospace Systems Interiors President Daphne Falletti. "The laser flares used in our life rafts are an example of how UTC Aerospace Systems seeks to integrate new technologies in all of its products. The Rescue Laser Flares® are safer to use than pyrotechnic models currently on the market, are longer-lasting, and more environmentally-friendly too."

UTC Aerospace Systems designs, manufactures and services integrated systems and components for the aerospace and defense industries. UTC Aerospace Systems supports a global customer base with significant worldwide manufacturing and customer service facilities.

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