DSEi2021-09-14 08:43:14

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Patria to deliver Acoustic Minesweeping Systems to the Belgian and Royal Netherlands navies in collaboration with Belgium Naval & Robotics

Patria has been awarded a contract for the delivery of Patria Sonac ACS Acoustic Minesweeping Systems to the Belgian and Royal Netherlands navies by Belgium Naval & Robotics, the consortium made up of ECA GROUP and Naval Group. The systems will be part of a fully integrated hardware and software minesweeping system developed by ECA GROUP. Following earlier successes, this contract reinforces Patria’s strategic efforts to become one of the leading providers of Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) and Maritime Mine Countermeasures (MMCM) solutions and services. The new delivery contract further improves the company’s competitiveness and position in the global MMCM market and represents an important step in Patria’s new growth strategy.

Patria Sonac ACS fully supports Mine Setting, Target Simulation, as well as Mine Jamming modes of operation. The sweep is capable of accurately reproducing true pre-recorded or synthesized underwater or surface target acoustic signatures, which is critical against modern intelligent sea mines. Patria Sonac ACS supports standalone operation but can also be integrated as part of any multi-influence minesweeping system.

”We are pleased to have been chosen by Belgium Naval & Robotics via ECA GROUP to supply the Belgian and Royal Netherlands navies with our solution as a critical component of a naval minesweeping toolbox. The development of Patria Sonac ACS is a result of a long-term involvement in the minesweeping and sea mine areas”, says Jonas Geust, President of Patria’s Systems Business Unit.

Patria has over 35 years of experience in the design, development and delivery of underwater acoustic systems in intelligence, surveillance, mine warfare and maritime mine countermeasures domains.

Patria attends the international defence exhibition DSEI on 14-17th September 2021 in London. Patria’s stand at Excel is H7 - 120. The wide product offering in Intelligence and Surveillance product portfolio will also be on display. 

For more information contact:
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