DSEi2021-09-17 10:05:34

Intelligence Fusion’s threat intelligence platform makes its DSEI exhibiting debut this year - demonstrating the tailored threat intelligence and bespoke software solutions that help futureproof intelligence units across the world.

Designed and developed by ex-military analysts, the Intelligence Fusion platform is built with a genuine understanding of intelligence in the armed forces, as well as the challenges faced when it comes to collecting, analysing and disseminating information. Built using the military principles gained from an extensive background in both the armed forces and then the private defence sector, the platform is an open source intelligence software as a service that gives users the full picture of the global threat landscape - eliminating the duplication of effort experienced by many intelligence units, and providing powerful map visualisations that are populated with tactical intelligence from our 24/7 Operations Centre.

Before heading to the event, get an insight into our data visualisation, threat intelligence database and expert analysis with this free pre-event threat assessment of DSEI 2021. Being one of the biggest defence exhibitions in the world means that DSEI is always faced with activists and protesters looking to disrupt the event, and 2021 looks set to be no different - we’ve already logged a number of planned protests due to take place during the week of the event.

We’ve analysed these planned actions, previous protests and the groups planning to disrupt the event, as well as the wider threat landscape surrounding the Excel Centre, to provide this comprehensive threat assessment - available to download for anyone attending DSEI 2021.

Come join us at stand H2-266 and learn how we can provide your team with an unparalleled insight into the threat landscape across land, sea, air, cyber and space.'

For more information contact:
Excel Centre
E16 1XL
United Kingdom
Tel:     +44 (0) 207 183 1775
Fax:     +44 (0) 208 237 7220






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