Thales2013-06-18 07:30:07

Thales and SIMMAD announce five-year support contract for French armed forces aeronautical equipment

Thales has been awarded the MOREAT1 contract by French defence ministry's integrated structure for through-life support of aeronautical equipment (SIMMAD2).

The five-year agreement covers the provision of technical and logistic support as well as through-life support services for the Thales electronic warfare systems and nose-mounted radars on board some twenty types of aircraft in service with the French armed forces, including Mirage 2000, ATL2, C160/C130 and Puma. Support for equipment on board the Rafale is covered by separate contracts.

The MOREAT contract combines several earlier agreements to simplify through-life support management. It is based on a fixed price per hour of flight, offering the flexibility needed to adapt to operational requirements as the number of hours of flight increases or decreases and as fleet formats evolve.

Under the new contract, Thales will be in charge of the entire supply chain, and will continue to work closely with small and medium-sized enterprises in line with the recent bilateral agreement between the defence ministry and the Thales Group. A Thales representative will be assigned to work on base to maintain close contact with users.
In addition, Thales teams and representatives of the armed forces will work together in a collaborative environment to ensure flexibility and optimise response times.

For more information contact:
45, rue de Villiers
92526 Neuilly-sur-Seine
Tel:     +33(0)1 57 77 80 00






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