Boeing Defense, Space & Security

Boeing Defense, Space & Security combines weapons and aircraft capabilities, intelligence and surveillance systems, communications architectures and extensive large-scale integration expertise across its seven customer-facing business units.

A $30.5 billion business with more than 80,000 employees, the Boeing Defense, Space & Security strategy is to understand the enduring needs of customers and provide value-added solutions to meet their requirements. The strategy includes understanding the art of using current and emerging technologies to improve the capabilities of existing products and delivering new solutions.


Working in partnership with its customers and focusing on network-centric, capability-driven solutions, Boeing Defense, Space & Security is transforming business and military operations to address a rapidly changing world. The seven customer-facing business units are Aerospace Support, Air Force Systems, Army Systems, Missile Defense Systems, NASA Systems, Naval Systems and Space and Intelligence Systems.

Business Units


With management offices and operations in St. Louis, Mo., Boeing Aerospace Support consists of 13,000 people with major operations in Wichita, Kan.; San Antonio, Texas; Long Beach, Calif.; Jacksonville, Fla.; Philadelphia; Mesa, Ariz.; Fort Walton Beach, Fla.; and Oklahoma City, Okla.; as well as major international operations in Australia, and the United Kingdom.

Aerospace Support develops and delivers innovative products and services to reduce life-cycle costs and increase the effectiveness of aircraft and missiles systems.

Focused around six market-facing segments, Aerospace Support brings together the strengths of the entire company to provide:

  • Maintenance, Modifications and Upgrades : Fast-cycle time and affordable aircraft services through specialized maintenance and modification centers. Large-scale systems integration expertise to develop flexible, affordable avionics suites, systems upgrades, re-engining programs and other modernization initiatives.
  • Supply Chain Services : Spares and repairs products and services for military aircraft and weapons, including development and application of inventory management techniques, technical publications support and data management systems.
  • Engineering and Logistics Services: Personnel support services performed on location, including maintenance and engineering support, as well as comprehensive, affordable contractor logistics support to aircraft programs.
  • Training and Support Systems: Aircrew and maintenance simulation devices and instructional systems, networked devices, classroom and cockpit instructor, courseware development and logistics support of training devices, as well as affordable, innovative ground support equipment.
  • Advanced Logistics Services: Broad, tailored, performance-based programs and network-centric logistics solutions based on new technology and business models to significantly improve readiness and affordability.
  • Boeing Australia Limited: Total life cycle support of military aerospace systems for its primary customer, the Australian Defence Force. Provides program management; aircraft production; modification and upgrades; aircraft maintenance; integrated logistics and through-life support; and systems engineering.


Boeing Air Force Systems, headquartered in Long Beach, Calif., has 24,000 people in eight major operating locations including Southern California, Florida, Missouri and Washington.

Among the many products and services provided to global Air Force customers are fighters, bombers, airlifters, expendable launch vehicles, aerial tankers, unmanned aircraft, weapon systems, strategic systems, military satellites and Network Centric communications. Key programs include:

  • 737 Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) : The 737 AEW&C is the next generation airborne surveillance and command and control system, which includes a multitude of advantages including a self-defense capability, an advance identification system and an expanded, passive surveillance system.
  • KC-767 Tanker Programs: The KC-767 Tanker fulfills air-refueling and transport needs for military services around the globe. "Right-sized" for optimum fuel offload, range and on-ground operations, the aircraft is equipped with the proven Boeing-developed boom-and-receptacle, the hose-and-drogue aerial refueling systems, the advanced aerial refueling remote operator station, and offers maximum operational flexibility along with full European Union and NATO interoperability.
  • Airborne, Maritime/Fixed Station Joint Tactical Radio System (AMF JTRS): A joint Air Force-Navy project, the AMF JTRS program is one of several aimed at satisfying emerging needs for secure, multiband/multimode software programmable digital radios for mobile military users in the air, on the ground and at sea.
  • Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS ) : The E-3 707 AWACS represents the world's standard for airborne early warning systems.

The E-3 fills the needs of both airborne surveillance, and command and control, for tactical and air defense forces. It provides a highly mobile, survivable surveillance and C2 platform. E-3 fleets are operated by the United States, NATO, the United Kingdom, France and Saudi Arabia. Japan operates a fleet of 767 AWACS.

  • C-17 Globemaster III: The C-17 is the world's premier heavy airlift aircraft and has proven itself as a versatile strategic and theater airlifter in every recent worldwide operation, from Operation Iraqi Freedom to humanitarian tsunami relief missions. More than 130 operational C-17s in the U.S. Air Force and Royal Air Force fleets have logged 750,000 flight hours since becoming operational in 1995. With a payload of 160,000 pounds, the C-17 can take off from a 7,600-foot airfield, fly 2,400 nautical miles, and land on a small, austere airfield in 3,000 feet or less.
  • Combat Survivor Evader Locator (CSEL): This lightweight radio is a critical component of a global communications system to assist in combat search-and-rescue missions. The system enables search-and-rescue forces to locate, authenticate and communicate with a downed or isolated solider, airman, or sailor anywhere in the world via communication satellites.
  • Delta II: Delta II rockets can be configured as two-or three-stage launch vehicles with three, four or nine strap-on solid rocket boosters and two sizes of payload fairings depending on mission requirements. Delta II rockets can carry payloads ranging from 891 to 2,142 kg (1,965 to 4,723 lb) to geosynchronous transfer orbit (GTO) and 2.7 to 6.0 metric tons (5,934 to 13,281 lb) to low-Earth orbit (LEO). Two-stage Delta II rockets typically fly LEO missions, while three-stage Delta II vehicles generally deliver payloads to GTO or are used for deep space and planetary exploration missions.
  • Delta IV: The Delta IV is the most advanced family of launch vehicles developed by The Boeing Company in partnership with the U.S. Air Force Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle program. Delta IV rockets can accommodate single or multiple payloads on the same mission and can carry satellites weighing between 4,210 kg (9,285 lbs.) and 13,130 kg (28,950 lbs.) to geosynchronous transfer orbit (GTO). Delta IV rockets can also launch satellites to polar orbits, Sun-synchronous orbits and the International Space Station orbit with the capability to lift over 23,000 kg (50,000 lbs.) to low-Earth orbit (LEO).
  • F-15E Strike Eagle: An advanced multi-role fighter able to perform its mission in all weather conditions, the F-15E employs precision and non-precision weapons at unrefueled ranges approaching 1,000 nautical miles, while retaining full air-to-air weapons capability. The F-15K is currently in production for the Republic of Korea Air Force, and the F-15T has been down selected in the on-going Singapore replacement fighter competition.
  • Family of Advanced Beyond Line-of-Sight Terminals (FAB-T): FAB-T is a Department of Defense initiative to design and develop a multi-mission capable family of wideband satellite communications terminals for strategic forces that utilize a common design and open system architecture to talk to different satellites and enable information exchange between ground, air and space platforms.
  • Global Positioning System (GPS): Navstar GPS is a satellite-based radio navigation system that permits land, sea and airborne users to instantaneously and precisely determine their three-dimensional position, velocity and time 24 - hours a day, under all weather conditions, anywhere in the world.
  • Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM): The JDAM is a low-cost guidance kit consisting of a new tail section with INS/GPS that converts existing unguided free-fall bombs into near precision guided weapons. The Boeing-funded laser-guided JDAM is being developed and JDAM Extended Range is being considered for development.
  • Joint-Unmanned Combat Air Systems (J-UCAS) X-45: The J-UCAS program is a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency/U.S. Air Force/U.S. Navy/Boeing effort to demonstrate the technical feasibility, military utility and operational value of an unmanned air combat system for both the Air Force and the Navy. Operational missions for the services may include suppression of enemy air defenses; deep strike; electronic attack, and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance.
  • Small Diameter Bomb (SDB): The SDB is a 250-pound class near precision-guided weapon launched from a fighter, bomber or unmanned aircraft that will destroy targets from a range of greater than 40 miles, penetrate more than 3 feet of steel-reinforced concrete, and has reduced collateral damage. SDB system improves sortie effectiveness by enabling carriage of four weapons on a single aircraft station.
  • Transformational SATCOM Space Segment (TSAT SS) :TSAT SS will be a constellation of communications satellites which will dramatically increase the communication bandwidth available to the military . U sing laser communications intersatellite links to create a high data-rate backbone in space , TSAT will be one of the key enablers for the DoD's vision for Network Centric Warfare.
  • Wideband Gapfiller Satellite (WGS): WGS will provide greatly increased communications capacity, coverage and operational flexibility for the warfighter. The WGS program will alleviate severe bandwidth shortfalls and reduce reliance on costly commercial SATCOM.


Army Systems is based in Newtown Square, PA. This customer-facing business unit encompasses more than 10,000 employees at nine major sites nationwide.

Army Systems programs include: Future Combat Systems; Joint Tactical Radio System; AH-64D Apache Longbow and Apache Block III; CH-47F and MH-47G Chinooks; and the Brimstone modular missile. Army Systems is forging new ground with advanced systems, such as the A160 Hummingbird; Canard Rotor Wing; and the Unmanned Little Bird.

  • Apache Longbow: The AH-64D Apache Longbow is a multi-role combat helicopter that features fully integrated avionics and weapons, plus state-of-the-art digital communications capabilities that enable real-time, secure transfer of battlefield information to air and ground forces.
  • Chinook: The CH-47/MH-47 Chinook is a heavy-lift helicopter for intra-theater troop and cargo movement. It provides key capabilities to special operations forces from combat to disaster relief and is in service with the armed forces of nearly 20 countries worldwide.
  • Future Combat Systems (FCS): The Future Combat Systems program is the centerpiece of a transformation to a lightweight, rapidly deployable and network-centric force able to respond to conflicts anywhere in the world within 96 hours.
  • Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) Cluster 1: Considered a key military transformation program, JTRS is a family of software programmable radios that will ultimately become the primary means of wireless information transfer among mobile military users in the air, on the ground and at sea.


Co-headquartered in Washington, D.C., and Huntsville, Ala., Boeing Missile Defense Systems provides integrated missile defense solutions for all phases of ballistic missile threats including b oost, m idcourse and t erminal.

Comprised of 3,760 people in seven major operating locations, Missile Defense Systems is c urrently involved in the development of several key advanced missile defense technologies and systems, and continues to provide established products and services to its customers. Key programs include:

  • Airborne Laser (ABL) and Advanced Tactical Laser (ATL) : The ABL is a precise , high-energy, laser weapons system capable of destroying ballistic missiles in the boost phase. The Advanced Tactical Laser is a self-contained, roll-on/roll-off directed energy weapon system that could be used for area self defense against land attack cruise missiles or naval force protection.
  • Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD): Development testing and deployment of a ground-based system to detect, track and destroy intercontinental ballistic missiles in the midcourse of flight.
  • Patriot Advanced Capability-3 Missile (PAC-3) : Boeing provides the seeker for the PAC-3 missile which defends against short- and medium-range threats with pinpoint accuracy.
  • Arrow: A joint American and Israel co-production of a ground-based, ballistic missile defense system designed to protect Israel against short- and medium-range missiles.
  • Avenger: With its turret-mounted Stinger missile and slew-to-cue capability, the Avenger is the U.S. Army's premier line-of-sight, mobile, shoot-on-the-move system used on the front lines, where short-range air defense support is critical.


Boeing NASA Systems, headquartered in Houston, is a leading global supplier of reusable and human space systems and services with more than 8,000 people operating in seven locations, including Kennedy Space Center, Fla.; Huntsville, Ala.; Washington, D.C.; and Canoga Park, Pasadena, Palmdale and Huntington Beach, Calif.

Since the beginning of the space age, Boeing designed, developed, built, and operated human and robotic space vehicles and supporting hardware. The organization's legacy began with the X-15, spanning to Apollo and continues with the Space Shuttle and International Space Station. Key programs include:

  • Propulsion Systems: Now entering its second half-century of designing and building rocket propulsion systems, Boeing's Rocketdyne business unit, in Canoga Park, continues to provide the main engines for the Space Shuttle and Boeing's Delta family of launch vehicles. Rocketdyne is actively researching a wide variety of advanced propulsion technologies for deep space exploration, such as nuclear propulsion systems, and is developing new engine technologies for expendable launch vehicles.
    • Advanced Propulsion Systems: International partnerships have been forged to develop upper-stage rocket engines, including the MB-XX (with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries). Boeing also is involved in an effort to develop the hybrid Rocket-Based Combined Cycle engine and nuclear space power for interplanetary and deep-space exploration.
    • RS-27A: Boeing continues production of its venerable RS-27A Delta II rocket engine, as well as providing support services for Delta and Atlas launches from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla., and Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif.
    • RS-68: The RS-68 engine, the first new large liquid-fueled rocket engine to be developed in the United States in 25 years, was designed for the Boeing Delta IV family of evolved expendable launch vehicles.
    • Space Shuttle Main Engine: The only working reusable large liquid rocket engine, there are three Space Shuttle Main Engines on the shuttle orbiter. The Space Shuttle Main Engines are assembled at Kennedy Space Center.
  • Checkout, Assembly and Payload Processing Services (CAPPS): The CAPPS contract provides payload processing for the Space Shuttle, International Space Station, expendable launch vehicles and other payload programs at Kennedy Space Center. Boeing provides technical, facilities and engineering support.
  • Future Systems: The Boeing Company is working with NASA to outline a path from expendable to next-generation Reusable Launch Vehicles. Boeing is helping to define the robotic Mars Exploration Program, which will culminate in sample return missions beginning in 2013.
  • International Space Station (ISS): As prime contractor, Boeing has the central role in every aspect of designing, testing and building the ISS, including responsibility for integrating the systems, procedures, and components of 16 participating countries in this worldwide enterprise.
  • Space Exploration Systems: Boeing's SES office, located in Washington, D.C., is helping NASA implement a sustained and affordable human and robotic program. Boeing is working with NASA and industry to propose and study a wide variety of exploration concepts and approaches to meet the Vision for Space Exploration, which includes a return to the moon by 2020 and beyond. Boeing and Northrop Grumman will compete as a team for NASA's new Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) and related human lunar exploration systems. NASA is expected to award two CEV system development and demonstration contracts by late summer or fall.
  • Space Shuttle: Boeing is the major subcontractor to NASA's space flight operations contractor, United Space Alliance. As the original developer and manufacturer of the space shuttle orbiter, Boeing is responsible for orbiter engineering, major modification design, engineering support to operations, including launch, and overall shuttle systems and payload integration services. Boeing is also responsible for the Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) program, the world's only reusable booster rocket engine.
  • X-37: Boeing is developing the X-37 Approach and Landing Test Vehicle (ALTV), an atmospheric technology demonstrator based on the NASA X-37 unmanned reusable space plane program. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has taken over the development of the ALTV, which will serve as a testbed for key technologies applicable to airframe, guidance, navigation and control. These tests are designed to prove the capability of safe and affordable autonomous flight and landing capabilities for future unmanned vehicles.


Headquartered in St. Louis, Boeing Naval Systems has approximately 5,600 people in seven major operating locations including Philadelphia, San Diego, St. Louis, and Washington D.C.

Naval Systems provides solutions that integrate warfighters; sensors; communications, command and control; platforms; and weapons into a networked, distributed combat force. This approach helps naval customers project global position, extend homeland security, engage in dominant mobility and employ knowledge superiority across a unified battle space.

By leveraging and expanding its systems-integration experience, Boeing Naval Systems has the challenge to define a common architecture that provides real-time information to both the warfighter and command and control structures. Areas of specialty include advanced combat aircraft and exploration, naval aircraft and weapons, Navy satellites, network centric systems and ship/submarine systems. Key programs include:

  • F/A-18E/F Super Hornet: The newest generation of strike fighter, the combat-proven Super Hornet performs a variety of missions including air superiority, day/night strike with precision-guided weapons, fighter escort, close-air support, suppression of enemy air defense, maritime, reconnaissance, forward air control and aerial refueling.
  • Harpoon Block II: An anti-ship missile featuring autonomous, all-weather, over-the-horizon capability, Harpoon Block II provides accurate long-range strike capability for land and ship targets.
  • Standoff Land Attack Missile - Expanded Response ( SLAM-ER): SLAM - ER is a day/night, adverse weather, over-the-horizon, precision strike missile. SLAM-ER is an effective, long-range, network enabled, precision strike option for pre-planned and Target of Opportunity attack missions against moving and stationary land and ship targets
  • T-45 Training System: Future Navy and Marine Corps strike fighter pilots are training on the T-45 Training System, the first fully integrated jet pilot training system. The core of the system, the T-45A/C Goshawk trainer aircraft, is augmented by operational and instrument flight simulators, computer-assisted classroom instruction, a training integration system that tracks all training activities and a contractor support logistics program. The sum of this coordinated instruction make the T-45 Training System the benchmark of 21st century jet aircraft training.
  • V- 22 Osprey: A tiltrotor aircraft capable of taking off and landing like a helicopter, but once airborne its engine nacelles can be rotated to convert the aircraft to a turboprop airplane capable of high-speed, high-altitude flight. It is capable of transporting troops and cargo using its medium-lift and vertical-takeoff-and-landing capabilities.
  • Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft: The Boeing 737 MMA is a derivative of the Next-Generation 737-800. It is long-range anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft capable of broad-area, maritime and littoral operations. The 737 MMA combines a highly reliable airframe and high-bypass turbo fan jet engine with a fully connected, advanced mission system to ensure maximum interoperability in the battle space of the future.


Providing innovative system solutions for national security and space, Boeing Space & Intelligence Systems is headquartered in Seal Beach, Calif., and has 11,500 people working in more than 20 operating locations nationwide. Today, Space & Intelligence Systems is executing Boeing's customer-driven vision of network-centric operations, under which a software-driven architecture melds space-, air- and land-based platforms into a coherent system. S&IS is a leader in spacecraft and integrated information solutions for military and commercial communications. It also provides intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems, network systems; intelligence analysis systems and information management technology.

The unit offers end-to-end intelligence services such as collection, exploitation, communication, and the creation of fused knowledge products for government customers. Major focus areas include:

  • Boeing 601: The Boeing 601 satellites are high-power, multiple-payload satellites for such applications as direct television broadcasting to small receiving antennas, very small aperture terminals for private business networks, and mobile communications.
  • Boeing 702: The Boeing 702 satellite offers a broad spectrum of modularity such as payload/bus integration. Its design simplicity offers major advantages such as reduced nonrecurring program costs, significantly faster parallel bus and payload processing, and a shortened production schedule. The quality manufacturing initiatives of the Boeing Satellite Development Center were validated in 2004 by the Software Engineering Institute's Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Level 5 rating and the Aerospace Standards 9100 certification.
  • Future Imagery Architecture: An imagery reconnaissance architecture that will provide a significant enhancement to critical intelligence capability over the next decade through unique capabilities.
  • Mission Systems: Mission Systems is the primary customer-facing organization for the Intelligence Community. The organization brings together a nationwide team with key competencies in knowledge management, geospatial information technology, Global Situational Awareness, systems engineering, systems integration and program management.
  • Other Classified Programs: Boeing is a major supplier to security, defense and intelligence agencies.


  • United Space Alliance (USA): Headquartered in Houston, Texas, USA is one of the world's leading space operations companies. Established in 1996 as a Limited Liability Company (LLC), USA is equally owned by The Boeing Company and Lockheed Martin Corporation and employs people in Texas, Florida, Alabama, California and Washington, D.C.
    USA manages and conducts space operations work involving the operation and maintenance of multi-purpose space systems, including systems associated with NASA's human space flight program, Space Shuttle applications beyond those of NASA, and other reusable launch and orbital systems beyond the Space Shuttle and Space Station. As the prime contractor for NASA ' s Space Shuttle Program, United Space Alliance is responsible for the day-to-day operation and management of the U.S. Space Shuttle fleet.
  • Sea Launch: The Sea Launch Zenit-3SL provides reliable, cost-effective, heavy lift launch services up to 6,000 kg for commercial satellite customers, and is sold commercially through Boeing Launch Services.

> Index

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June 2021

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 23rd June 2021

Boeing to Boost UK Royal Air Force Chinook Fleet   U.S. Special Operations Command awarded Boeing a $578 million Foreign Military Sales contrac[more]

March 2020

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 10th March 2020

Boeing is offering the US Army an agile, fully integrated, purpose-built system for the Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA) prototype competi[more]

December 2015

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 9th December 2015

Boeing delivery of 14th new-build Mk6 Chinook completes current orders for the United Kingdom Boeing has delivered its 14th Mk6 Chinook, completing[more]

November 2015

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 24th November 2015

Boeing, EVA Airways Finalize Taiwan's Largest Ever Commercial Airplane Purchase Boeing and EVA Airways today finalized a historic order for up to 2[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th November 2015

Boeing Forecasts $350 Billion Market for New Airplanes in Latin America Boeing projects the Latin American commercial aviation market will grow at [more]

September 2015

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 25th September 2015

Boeing Opens Advanced Manufacturing Research Center in South Carolina Boeing today opened its research and technology center in South Carolina, whi[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 18th September 2015

Boeing to Build 747 Fuselage Panels at Macon, Georgia Facility Boeing today announced that 747 fuselage panels will be built at its Macon, Georgia [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 3rd September 2015

Boeing, Finalize Order for 27 Next Generation 737-800s Boeing and UK Leisure Airline have finalized an order for 27 Next Generati[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 1st September 2015

Boeing will provide the first P-8A Poseidon maritime surveillance aircraft for Australia and additional P-8As for the U.S. Navy following a $1.49 bill[more]

August 2015

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 25th August 2015

Boeing, Korean Air Celebrate the Delivery of Airline's First 747-8 Intercontinental Korean Air becomes the world's first carrier to operate both type[more]

July 2015

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 7th July 2015

Boeing, Vietnam Airlines Celebrate First 787 Dreamliner for Flag Carrier Boeing and Vietnam Airlines celebrated a historic event today witnessed by[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 1st July 2015

Boeing, Embraer to Collaborate on ecoDemonstrator Technology Tests Boeing and Embraer today announced that they intend to collaborate to test envir[more]

June 2015

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th June 2015

Boeing, Ruili Airlines Announce Commitment for 30 737 MAXs Boeing and Ruili Airlines today announced at the Paris Air Show that the airline has com[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th June 2015

Boeing, SMBC Aviation Capital Announce Order for 10 737 MAX 8s Boeing and SMBC Aviation Capital, one of the world's largest aircraft lessors, annou[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th June 2015

Boeing, AerCap Announce Order for 100 737 MAX 8s Boeing and AerCap announced an order for 100 737 MAX 8s today at the Paris Air Show. The order, va[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 12th June 2015

Boeing Forecasts Demand for 38,050 New Airplanes Valued at $5.6 Trillion 20-year Current Market Outlook reflects 3.5 percent increase in demand ove[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 15th June 2015

Boeing, Garuda Indonesia Announce the Airline's Intent to Purchase 30 787-9s and up to 30 737 MAX 8s Boeing and Garuda Indonesia announced today th[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 15th June 2015

Boeing, Qatar Airways Announce Order for 10 777-8Xs, Four 777 Freighters Boeing and Qatar Airways announced an order for 10 777-8Xs and four 777 Fr[more]

May 2015

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 28th May 2015

New Boeing Avionics Facility to Enhance ROKAF Readiness, Affordability Boeing has formally opened a new avionics maintenance and repair center in t[more]

April 2015

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 1st April 2015

Boeing, ANA Finalize Order for Three 787-10 Dreamliners First Asian airline to operate all three members of 787 family Boeing and All Nippon Airwa[more]

March 2015

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 24th March 2015

Boeing, Hainan Airlines, Sinopec Celebrate China's First Commercial Flight with Sustainable Aviation Biofuel Boeing, Hainan Airlines and Sinopec to[more]

February 2015

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 12th February 2015

Boeing Opens Propulsion Systems Facility in South Carolina – Boeing celebrated the opening of its new propulsion engineering and assembly f[more]

January 2015

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 9th January 2015

Boeing Delivers F-22 Training Center with Advanced Visual System Boeing has improved the realism of ground-based F-22 Raptor training by deliverin[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 2nd January 2015

Boeing Delivers Four 737s to Dragon Aviation Leasing New deliveries bolster China-based leasing company's fleet of 737-800s to 11 airplanes Boeing[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 2nd January 2015

Boeing Delivers Four 737s to Dragon Aviation Leasing New deliveries bolster China-based leasing company's fleet of 737-800s to 11 airplanes Boeing[more]

November 2014

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 20th November 2014

Boeing Statement on Kuwait Airways’ Intent to Purchase 10 777-300ERs Kuwait Airways has announced its intent to purchase 10 777-300ER (Exten[more]

October 2014

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 9th October 2014

Boeing to Showcase Vertical Lift, Cybersecurity at AUSA Conference Boeing will highlight its progress on vertical lift programs, including the Join[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 10th October 2014

Boeing Completes Key Tests of New Aircraft Satellite Antenna Low-drag, low-profile units will provide broadband on airplanes Boeing has completed [more]

September 2014

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 29th September 2014

Boeing to Open First Cyber Analytics Center Outside the US in Singapore Boeing will open its first Cyber Analytics Center outside the U.S. in Singa[more]

August 2014

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 29th August 2014

Boeing and Silk Way Airlines celebrated the delivery of the airline's two 747-8 Freighters. Both new 747-8 Freighters will bring new levels of efficie[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 13th August 2014

Boeing will begin offering global customers the Enhanced Medium Altitude Reconnaissance and Surveillance System Risk Reduction Prototype (ERRP) now th[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 12th August 2014

Sikorsky Aircraft and Boeing have been selected to build a helicopter for the U.S. Army’s Joint Multi-Role Technology Demonstrator Phase 1 prog[more]

June 2014

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 20th June 2014

Boeing selects Rockwell Collins micro-GPS receivers for search and rescue radio system Boeing has selected Rockwell Collins to provide its industry[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 19th June 2014

Boeing 737 MAX LEAP-1B Engine Begins Ground Testing Powerplant for Boeing's newest single-aisle airplane achieves full take-off thrust CFM Interna[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th June 2014

Boeing, Southwest Airlines to Implement Airplane Health Management System to enhance operational decision making for Next-Generation 737 fleet B[more]

May 2014

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 20th May 2014

Boeing Launches New MicroTAC Tactical Data Analytic Platform Field deployment allows data-management capability anytime, anywhere Boeing has deve[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 14th May 2014

9 Air’s Commitment to Purchase 50 Boeing 737s Boeing is pleased that 9 Air has committed to 50 Boeing 737s, including Next-Generation 737s a[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 2nd May 2014

Boeing Flies Production Configuration AH-6i Light Helicopter for the 1st Time Program moves another step closer to full-scale production Boeing's[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 2nd May 2014

Boeing Delivers 2nd Peace Eagle Aircraft to Turkey Airborne Early Warning and Control aircraft bolsters self-defense capabilities Boeing this wee[more]

April 2014

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 25th April 2014

Boeing Receives 1st Multi-year Contract for Rescue Radio Logistics Support Under a new four-year contract from the U.S. Air Force, Boeing will pro[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 3rd April 2014

Boeing Launches BBJ MAX family with first order based on new, fuel-efficient 737 MAX Boeing announced the launch of the Boeing Business Jet (BBJ) M[more]

March 2014

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 18th March 2014

Boeing, Turkish Airlines Mark Delivery of First Airplane Featuring Galleys from Turkish Cabin Interiors Boeing and Turkish Airlines are marking th[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 12th March 2014

Boeing, SpiceJet Announce Order for 42 737 MAX 8s Boeing and SpiceJet have announced an order for 42 737 MAX 8s. The order, previously listed as un[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 6th March 2014

Boeing, South African Airways Explore Ways for Farmers to Grow More Sustainable Biofuel Crops Boeing is launching an initiative with South African [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 6th March 2014

Boeing and Hainan Airlines Expand Pilot Training Agreement Flight training in Singapore and Shanghai to support expanding Boeing fleet Boeing and [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 6th March 2014

Boeing Maritime Surveillance Aircraft Demonstrator Completes 1st Flight Boeing’s Maritime Surveillance Aircraft (MSA) demonstrator recently [more]

February 2014

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 21st February 2014

5th Boeing GPS IIF Spacecraft Sends Initial Signals from Space A Boeing Global Positioning System (GPS) IIF satellite has sent initial signals fro[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 19th February 2014

U.S. Navy Tests Infrared Search and Track on Boeing Super Hornet The U.S. Navy recently tested, for the first time on a Boeing [NYSE: BA] F/A-18 Su[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 14th February 2014

Boeing today delivered Kuwait's first C-17 Globemaster III airlifter, an aircraft that will expand the Kuwait Air Force's capabilities in military and[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 5th February 2014

Boeing and Saudi Arabian Airlines Holding Co. Sign Broad Collaboration Agreement Boeing and Saudi Arabian Airlines Holding yesterday signed a broad[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 4th February 2014

Contracts call for 2,550 more life-saving radios Boeing will deliver an additional 2,550 Combat Survivor Evader Locator radios – which are v[more]

January 2014

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 21st January 2014

Boeing, GECAS Announce Order for 20 737 MAXs and 20 Next-Generation 737s Boeing and GE Capital Aviation Services (GECAS), the commercial aircraft l[more]

December 2013

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th December 2013

Military Communication Improved as 6th Boeing-built Wideband Satellite Enters Service The sixth Boeing Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) satellite, fund[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 6th December 2013

Boeing and Saab Sign Joint Development Agreement on T-X Family of Systems Training Competition Team to provide a new, purpose-built aircraft for offe[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 12th December 2013

Boeing and Air Canada announced an agreement today that includes commitments, options and rights to purchase up to 109 Boeing 737 MAXs. When finali[more]

November 2013

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 18th November 2013

Boeing Selects Bombardier Business Jet for Maritime Surveillance Aircraft Program Boeing has selected Bombardier's Challenger 605 business jet as t[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 18th November 2013

Boeing, Etihad Airways Kick Off Dubai Airshow with 777X, 787-10 Orders Etihad Airways today announced an order for 56 widebody airplanes with optio[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 15th November 2013

Boeing Forecasts $550 Billion Market in Middle East for New Airplanes Boeing forecasts that airlines in the Middle East will require 2,610 new airp[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 4th November 2013

Boeing Delivers Air Europa's 25th Next-Generation 737-800 The Mallorca-based carrier is also the Spanish launch customer for the 787 Dreamliner [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 6th November 2013

Boeing and Kongsberg Defense Systems Complete Joint Strike Missile Check on F/A-18 Super Hornet Boeing and Kongsberg Defense Systems of Norway rece[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 7th November 2013

New Boeing B-52 Upgrade to Increase Smart Weapons Capacity by Half Boeing will continue to increase the B-52 bomber’s effectiveness and vers[more]

August 2013

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 29th August 2013

Boeing Advanced Super Hornet Demonstrates Significant Stealth, Range Improvements During three weeks of flight testing the Advanced Super Hornet, B[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 21st August 2013

Two Boeing Tracking and Data Relay Satellites (TDRS) have completed testing milestones – one in space and the other on Earth This marks more[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 14th August 2013

Boeing delivered a Next-Generation 737-800 to Iraqi Airways, the first of 30 that the airline ordered in 2008 "The Next-Generation 737-800 will pla[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 14th August 2013

Boeing Thin Disk Laser Exceeds Performance Requirements During Testing Demonstrates system's readiness for future military applications Photos(1) [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 7th August 2013

Boeing, Travel Service Finalize Order for Three 737 MAXs Boeing and Travel Service have finalized an order for three 737 MAX 8s, valued at $301.5 m[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 2nd August 2013

US Navy, Boeing Sign $2 Billion Order for 13 P-8A Poseidon Aircraft The U.S. Navy recently awarded Boeing a $1.98 billion contract for 13 addition[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 1st August 2013

Boeing Expands 787 Flight Training Support in Europe New simulator capability to bring more training closer to airlines in region SBoeing announc[more]

July 2013

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 30th July 2013

Boeing Defence Australia Takes on Prime Role for Wedgetail Sustainment Boeing Defence Australia (BDA), a local subsidiary of The Boeing Company, ha[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 22nd July 2013

Boeing, Turkish Airlines Finalize Order for Five Additional 777-300ERs Boeing and Turkish Airlines have announced a order for five 777-300ER (Exten[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 23rd July 2013

India to become largest Boeing C-17 operator outside the US Boeing delivered the Indian Air Force’s (IAF) second C-17 Globemaster III today[more]

June 2013

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 27th June 2013

Boeing Gains FAA Approval to Fly Advanced Navigation Procedures on 787 Boeing has received FAA approval to fly Required Navigation Performance - Au[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 20th June 2013

Boeing, Oman Air Announce Order for Five Next-Generation 737s Boeing and Oman Air today announced an order for five Boeing Next-Generation 737-900E[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 20th June 2013

Boeing, Sikorsky Form Joint Venture to Offer Saudi Rotorcraft Logistics and Training Boeing and Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. have formed a joint venture[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 19th June 2013

Boeing and Travel Service Announce Commitment for Three 737 MAXs Boeing and Travel Service have today announced a commitment for three 737 MAX 8s a[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 19th June 2013

Boeing, Ryanair Finalize Order for 175 Next-Generation 737s Boeing and Ryanair today finalized a firm order for 175 Next-Generation 737-800 airplan[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 19th June 2013

Boeing, CIT Announce Order for 30 737 MAX 8s Boeing and CIT Group Inc. today announced from the 2013 Paris Air Show that CIT Aerospace has placed a[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 19th June 2013

Boeing Accelerates First Delivery of 737 MAX - First delivery to launch customer Southwest now scheduled in third quarter 2017 - Boeing retires [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th June 2013

Boeing Subcontractor Air France Industries Begins Major Upgrade of French AWACS Fleet $354M upgrade will increase Airborne Warning and Control Syst[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 18th June 2013

Boeing Launches 787-10 Dreamliner Boeing [NYSE:BA] announced today at the 2013 Paris Air Show that it has launched the 787-10 Dreamliner, the third[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 18th June 2013

Boeing and Air Lease Corporation Announce Commitment for 30 787-10Xs Boeing announced today at the Paris Air Show a memorandum of understanding wit[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 18th June 2013

Boeing Twin-Aisle Family Provides Unprecedented Value, Flexibility Boeing today highlighted its twin-aisle family, noting that with the offering of[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th June 2013

Boeing Commercial Airplanes Product Lineup Positions Company for Future Growth Boeing is poised for future growth as it builds on its popular famil[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th June 2013

Boeing, Qatar Airways Announce Agreement for Nine 777-300ERs Deal worth up to $2.8 billion includes firm orders for two airplanes and commitments f[more]

May 2013

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 31st May 2013

Boeing Commercial Airplanes Engineering Realigns for Future Growth and Competitiveness Boeing announced it is establishing new centers for engineer[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th May 2013

Boeing ships its sixth Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) satellite for launch Boeing is progressing with the expansion of the U.S Defense Department's h[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 1st May 2013

Boeing Rolls Out 1st F-15SA for Royal Saudi Air Force Latest international F-15 variant brings enhanced mission capability at lower life-cycle cost[more]

April 2013

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 3rd April 2013

Boeing Delivers 7th Production P-8A Poseidon Aircraft to US Navy Boeing handed over the seventh production P-8A Poseidon to the U.S. Navy on schedu[more]

February 2013

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 28th February 2013

Boeing Phantom Eye High-Altitude, Long-Endurance demonstrator climbs above 8,000 feet Boeing's liquid hydrogen-powered Phantom Eye unmanned airbor[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 28th February 2013

Boeing Brings Advanced Training Capabilities to US Navy's T-45 Fleet Four operational flight trainers built by Boeing [NYSE: BA] are up and running[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 26th February 2013

The new Arrow 3 interceptor completes successful test flight. Boeing and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) are co-developing to enhance Israel's b[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 20th February 2013

Boeing Receives US Air Force Contract for Integrated C4ISR Targeting Solution Boeing will provide the U.S. Air Force with a lightweight, compact la[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 12th February 2013

Boeing and Elbit Systems to Collaborate on Aircraft Defense Solutions Boeing and Elbit Systems have signed a Memorandum of Understanding that suppo[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 8th February 2013

Boeing Phantom Eye Completes Taxi Tests, Readies for Return to Flight. High-Altitude, Long-Endurance aircraft also receives software upgrades Boein[more]

January 2013

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 23rd January 2013

Boeing Delivers Indian Air Force's 1st C-17 to Flight Test Program on schedule to deliver 5 airlifters in 2013 and 5 in 2014 Boeing on Jan. 22 de[more]

December 2012

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 4th December 2012

Boeing to Maintain US Navy Maritime Patrol Aircraft Trainers New 5-year contract includes maintenance on training devices for 6 platforms Boeing w[more]

November 2012

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th November 2012

Boeing has finished defining in broad terms its newest single-aisle airplane, the 737 MAX, recently completing a major milestone in development known [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 15th November 2012

Boeing and Avianca Airlines, Colombia's flagship airline, today announced an order for three 787 Dreamliners. - Today's order brings Avianca's 787 [more]

October 2012

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 4th October 2012

Boeing Modernizes GPS Network with 3rd GPS IIF Satellite SVN-65 sends 1st signals following launch on Delta IV rocket Addition to GPS constellati[more]

September 2012

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 18th September 2012

The Boeing Company and Sojitz Corporation have agreed to work together to offer advanced cybersecurity solutions in Japan to help protect critical gov[more]

August 2012

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 7th August 2012

Boeing Receives Phase II US Army Contract for Testing of Advanced Rotorcraft Flight Control System Testing will include AH-64 Apache and CH-47 Chi[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 29th August 2012

Boeing to Provide Performance-Based Logistics for US Air Force F-15 Radars PBL contracts ensure accountability, best value Boeing has received a[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 31st August 2012

Boeing Winged Joint Direct Attack Munition Completes 1st Round of Tests JDAM-ER developed with Australia has glide range of more than 40 miles B[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 8th August 2012

Boeing Receives Phase II US Army Contract for Testing of Advanced Rotorcraft Flight Control System Testing will include AH-64 Apache and CH-47 Chi[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 8th August 2012

Boeing Demonstrates Autonomous Ship-based Capability of Unmanned Little Bird Rotorcraft The Boeing Unmanned Little Bird H-6U successfully performed[more]

July 2012

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 31st July 2012

Boeing Integrates Next-Gen Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System on Silent Eagle Boeing recently validated the integration of the next-generation Joi[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 20th July 2012

Boeing Receives Lot 2 Production Contract Award for B-1 Integrated Battle Station B-1 upgrade will enhance bomber crews' situational awareness, com[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 23rd July 2012

Boeing F-15E Radar Modernization Program Begins 2nd Low Rate Boeing F-15E Radar Modernization Program Begins 2nd Low Rate Initial Production Phase [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 24th July 2012

Boeing-built Legacy UHF Payload Successfully Operating on MUOS-1 Satellite Modernizes UHF communications capability for US Navy Boeing today sai[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 10th July 2012

Boeing Offers Medium-sized Maritime Surveillance Aircraft Low-risk, cost-effective solution leverages P-8 and AWACS technologies Boeing today anno[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 9th July 2012

Boeing Introduces Intelligent Sensor Camera System for Defense and Security Customers Lightweight, high-performance camera enables integrated vide[more]

June 2012

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 11th June 2012

Boeing Receives Its 1st International Cybersecurity Contract Sojitz Corporation places order for advanced network assessment The Boeing Company [more]

May 2012

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 1st May 2012

Boeing Receives Additional Laser JDAM Contract from US Navy $12.5M contract covers more than 1,100 laser sensors Contracts address Navy's Direct Att[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 3rd May 2012

Boeing, Phirelight Complete 1st International Sale of eXMeritus HardwareWall Cross-domain technology will improve security of Canada’s defen[more]

April 2012

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 26th April 2012

Boeing and World Class Aviation Academy Open International Chinook Training Facility Dutch and Australian Air Forces 1st to begin training at cente[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 26th April 2012

Boeing Delivers P-8A Training Devices to Naval Air Station Jacksonville Delivery to Poseidon aircraft operators includes multiple-operator tactics [more]

March 2012

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 26th March 2012

Boeing to Showcase Defense Portfolio for Indian Market at Defexpo India a significant defense market opportunity for Boeing Company exhibit and [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 14th March 2012

Boeing Phantom Eye Conducts Medium-speed Taxi Test Hydrogen-powered high altitude long endurance aircraft approaching 1st flight Boeing today a[more]

January 2012

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 31st January 2012

Boeing Selects Canadian Firms for Chinook In-service Support Program Contracts awarded for 1st 3 work packages; others to be awarded this year I[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 12th January 2012

Boeing Awarded US Army Contract for 14 Additional CH-47F Chinook Helicopters Contract supports Army’s Foreign Military Sales efforts The [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 2nd January 2012

Boeing and Northrop Grumman GMD Team Receives Contract from US Missile Defense Agency The Boeing Company and industry partner Northrop Grumman Corp[more]

December 2011

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 7th December 2011

Boeing Receives Contract for 1st Major Upgrades to Malaysian F/A-18D Hornets Upgrades will deliver enhanced capability for Royal Malaysian Air For[more]

November 2011

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 29th November 2011

Boeing Receives $20 Million Contract to Upgrade F-15C Trainers Cutting-edge visual system will provide 360 degrees of immersive training The Boe[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 22nd November 2011

Boeing Receives F/A-18E/F Infrared Search & Track Development Contract New IRST system for Super Hornet can detect and track multiple targets in el[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 23rd November 2011

Boeing and Northrop Grumman GMD Team Statement on Final Proposal Submission of Competitive Missile Defense Contract The Boeing Company and Northrop[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th November 2011

Boeing Becomes Full Member of Danish Advanced Manufacturing and Research Centre Boeing elevates commitment to Danish industry with participating me[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 2nd November 2011

Boeing, US Army Mark Delivery of 1st AH-64D Apache Block III Combat Helicopter Advanced version ushers in new era for military rotorcraft The Bo[more]

October 2011

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 25th October 2011

Boeing Delivers US Navy's 12th C-40A Derivative Aircraft Modified Boeing 737-700 will be used for troop and cargo transport Boeing delivered the 1[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 21st October 2011

Boeing Completes Delivery of RAAF Super Hornets Ahead of Schedule Australia's F/A-18F fleet expands to 24 multirole 'Rhinos' New RAAF Super Horne[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 19th October 2011

Boeing Delivers 50,000th CSEL Search and Rescue Communications System CSEL is Defense Department's program of record for combat search and rescue c[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 4th October 2011

Boeing FAB-T Demonstrates High-Data-Rate Communications with AEHF Satellite Test Terminal Boeing today announced that it has successfully demonstra[more]

September 2011

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 28th September 2011

Boeing P-8I Aircraft Completes 1st Flight Boeing's first P-8I aircraft for the Indian Navy completed its initial flight today, taking off from Rent[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 21st September 2011

Boeing-led Team Delivers 1st Peace Eye AEW&C Aircraft to Republic of Korea Air Force A team led by Boeing today delivered the first Peace Eye 737 A[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 15th September 2011

Boeing Delivers Royal Australian Air Force's 5th C-17 Globemaster III LONG BEACH, Calif., Sept. 14, 2011 -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] today delivered Austr[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 14th September 2011

Boeing Receives Additional Wideband Global SATCOM Orders US Air Force contract authorizes production of 7th 702HP WGS satellite WGS is DODâ€â[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 14th September 2011

Boeing to Focus on 'Building the Best for the Best' at 2011 AFA Conference Company exhibit to include KC-46 Tanker, P-8 AGS demonstration trailers [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 14th September 2011

Boeing Receives US Air Force F-22 Mission Planning System Contract ST. LOUIS, Sept. 13, 2011 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has received a contra[more]

August 2011

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 22nd August 2011

Boeing Receives UK Contract for 14 New Chinooks Royal Air Force to receive helicopters starting in 2013 Boeing has received a $1.64 billion (ÂÂ[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 18th August 2011

Boeing Demonstrates 'Swarm' Reconnaissance with Unmanned Aircraft Boeing today announced the successful autonomous communications and operation of [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 19th August 2011

Boeing to Provide Simulator-based Training for Australian Army Kiowa Pilots Boeing today announced that it will use a Helimod helicopter simulator [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th August 2011

Boeing Communications Relay Links Radios with Multiple Unmanned Platforms Team uses ScanEagle and Puma UAVs in multiservice exercise Boeing toda[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 8th August 2011

Boeing, Siemens Form Strategic Alliance for DOD Energy Modernization Alliance will provide secure microgrid management solutions that lower costs a[more]

July 2011

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 25th July 2011

Boeing, BAE Systems to Develop Integrated Directed Energy Weapon for US Navy Team has initial contract to build a laser weapon demonstrator unit [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 15th July 2011

Boeing EA-18G Growlers Complete 1st Combat Deployment 2 additional EA-18G squadrons now deployed Growlers operating from aircraft carrier, land ba[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 6th July 2011

Boeing Awarded $99.5M Contract to Upgrade US Air Force B-1B Bomber Modifications will improve Lancer’s situational awareness, communications[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 7th July 2011

Boeing Prepares Space Shuttle Atlantis for Final Mission The mission STS-135 will deliver critical supplies to International Space Station Boein[more]

June 2011

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 29th June 2011

Boeing Supports US Air Force Launch of Miniature Air Launched Decoy Jammer MALD-J expands B-52’s defensive role Boeing [NYSE: BA] earlier[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 22nd June 2011

Boeing Names KC-46 Tanker Suppliers to support US Air Force aerial refueling aircraft The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today announced the supplier te[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 15th June 2011

Boeing to Build 10 C-17 Airlifters for Indian Air Force Boeing today announced that India’s Ministry of Defence has signed an agreement wit[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 15th June 2011

Boeing Awarded Contract to Upgrade E-4B Cockpits 4 National Command Authority aircraft to receive Communications Navigation Surveillance/Air Traffi[more]

May 2011

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 30th May 2011

Boeing Awarded PAC-3 Seeker Production Contract Boeing today announced it has received a $274 million contract from Lockheed Martin to produce more[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 26th May 2011

Boeing Announces UK Supplier Team for Log NEC Log NEC to provide improved logistics data management for Ministry of Defence Boeing Defence UK, a[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th May 2011

Boeing KC-767 Tankers for Italian Air Force Formally Enter into Service 2 aerial refueling tankers flying training missions with ItAF crews The [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th May 2011

Boeing, Greenpoint Technologies Team on 747-8 VIP Modifications Boeing Global Transport & Executive Systems to install Aeroloft on 747-8 Interconti[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 11th May 2011

Boeing Delivers UAE Air Force and Air Defence's 1st C-17 Boeing today delivered the first of six C-17 Globemaster III airlifters to the United Arab[more]

April 2011

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 25th April 2011

Boeing-built GPS Operational Control Segment Enters Service with US Air Force Boeing today announced that its GPS Operational Control Segment (OCS)[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 28th April 2011

Boeing Supports Space Shuttle Endeavour's Final Flight Company prepares orbiter, processes payload for Mission STS-134 Boeing engineers and techni[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 27th April 2011

Boeing Vigilare System Completes Operational Testing in Australia Network centric command and control system participates in RAAF combat exercise [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 4th April 2011

Boeing Vigilare System Completes Site Acceptance Testing Milestone reached after Vigilare NC3S team receives industry award Boeing today announc[more]

March 2011

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 25th March 2011

Boeing Receives AUS$15.5M MHFCS Support Services Contract Contract will sustain and upgrade Australia’s Modernised High Frequency Communicati[more]

February 2011

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 24th February 2011

Boeing Receives 2nd Option of B-52 Engineering Sustainment Contract from US Air Force WICHITA, Kan., Feb. 22, 2011 -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] today annou[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 24th February 2011

Boeing announced today that it has established Boeing Commercial Satellite Services to market commercial satellite telecommunications services to the [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 10th February 2011

Boeing to Study Commercial Space Capabilities for Military Use Boeing has received a $900,000 study contract from the Military Satellite Communica[more]

January 2011

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 28th January 2011

Boeing Tests New Ka-band SATCOM Antenna System Boeing announced today that it successfully conducted its first over-the-air ground test of a Ka-ban[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 27th January 2011

Boeing, Netherlands MOD Mark 1st Flight of Royal Netherlands Air Force CH-47F (NL) Chinook Representatives of Boeing, its suppliers and the Nether[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 24th January 2011

Boeing Begins Flight Testing UK Chinook Mk4 Boeing and its Boeing Defence UK subsidiary today announced that the Boeing UK Rotorcraft Support team [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 25th January 2011

Boeing Receives $1.6B Contract for P-8A Poseidon Low-Rate Initial Production Boeing on Jan. 21 received a $1.6 billion contract from the U.S. Navy [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 13th January 2011

Boeing Forms Information Solutions Business to Address Growing IT/Cyber Market Supports Boeing growth strategies for cybersecurity and logistics co[more]

December 2010

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 14th December 2010

Boeing Phantom Ray Takes a Ride on NASA's Shuttle Carrier Aircraft The Boeing Phantom Ray unmanned airborne system sits atop a NASA Shuttle Carrier[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 6th December 2010

Boeing Receives US Army Contract for Tactical Intelligence Aircraft 1Boeing today announced that it has received a two-year engineering and manufac[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 3rd December 2010

Boeing to Provide A160T Hummingbird Unmanned Aircraft for US Marine Corps UAS Services Contract Includes Ground Control, Support Boeing today an[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 3rd December 2010

Boeing-built X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle Successfully Completes 1st Flight Boeing today announced the successful de-orbit and landing of the Orbital[more]

November 2010

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th November 2010

Boeing Delivers UK Royal Air Force's 7th C-17 Globemaster III The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] delivered the United Kingdom’s seventh C-17 Glob[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 2nd November 2010

Boeing Demonstrates New Situational-awareness Application for Portable Devices The Boeing Company will demonstrate its DataMaster Lite (LT) situati[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 6th November 2010

Boeing Introduces DataMaster 5.0 Full-Motion Video Management Tool for Defense and Intelligence Customers Boeing [NYSE: BA] today announced the int[more]

October 2010

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 28th October 2010

Boeing to Showcase Intelligence Technologies at GEOINT 2010 The Boeing Company will showcase its newest intelligence, geospatial and cross-domain t[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 12th October 2010

Boeing to Offer A160T Hummingbird in Response to NAVAIR Request for Proposal The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] is preparing to offer a solution based o[more]

September 2010

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 30th September 2010

Boeing Statement on Award of B-52 Modernization Contract The Boeing Company today received an indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity contract from[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 29th September 2010

Boeing Receives Multi-Year Contract from US Navy for 124 F/A-18 and EA-18 Aircraft The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has been awarded a new multi-year[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 28th September 2010

Boeing Awarded $19 Million Follow-on US Navy Field Services Contract The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today announced it has received a U.S. Navy con[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 21st September 2010

Boeing Space Based Space Surveillance Satellite Ready for Launch The Boeing Company and its teammate Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. today anno[more]

August 2010

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 31st August 2010

The Boeing Company announced the induction of the first C-130 aircraft slated to receive the Avionics Modernization Program (AMP) upgrade at Warner Ro[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 30th August 2010

1st Boeing-built GPS IIF Satellite Enters Service with US Air Force Boeing [NYSE: BA] today announced that the first of 12 Global Positioning Syste[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 24th August 2010

Boeing to Build Additional Military Hosted Payload for Intelsat Satellite Series Boeing today announced it has received a contract from Intelsat S.[more]

July 2010

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 26th July 2010

Boeing has successfully completed the final design review (FDR) for P-8I, India's long-range maritime reconnaissance and anti-submarine warfare aircra[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 27th July 2010

Boeing Completes Critical Design Review of Intelsat 22 Spacecraft Boeing today announced that it met or exceeded all the requirements of the Critic[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 22nd July 2010

Boeing Flight Demonstrates Narrowband Communications Relay on ScanEagle SEATTLE, July 20, 2010 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] and its subsidiary [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 22nd July 2010

Boeing Signs Memorandum of Understanding with Aeronautics for DA42 Dominator Unmanned Aircraft System FARNBOROUGH, United Kingdom, July 20, 2010 --[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 22nd July 2010

Boeing F-15 Silent Eagle Demonstrator Completes 1st Weapon Launch ST. LOUIS, July 20, 2010 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] successfully launched a[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 22nd July 2010

Boeing, Air Austral Announce Orders for Two 777-200LRs FARNBOROUGH, United Kingdom, July 21 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) and Air Aus[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 22nd July 2010

Boeing to Demonstrate NATO AWACS Control of Unmanned Airborne System at Empire Challenge SEATTLE, July 21, 2010 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] wi[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 22nd July 2010

Boeing Completes Operational Testing of Australia's Network Centric Command and Control System BRISBANE, Queensland, July 21, 2010 -- Boeing Defenc[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 22nd July 2010

Boeing Celebrates Production of 100th CH-47F Chinook RIDLEY TOWNSHIP, Pa., July 21, 2010 -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] on July 22 will celebrate the 100th C[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 12th July 2010

Boeing Unveils Unmanned Phantom Eye Demonstrator The Boeing Company today unveiled the hydrogen-powered Phantom Eye unmanned airborne system, a dem[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 13th July 2010

Boeing Completes Initial Tests for Army Brigade Combat Team Modernization Increment 1 The Boeing Company announced today that Increment 1 of the Br[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 9th July 2010

Boeing Bids for US Army's Enhanced Medium-Altitude Reconnaissance and Surveillance System The Boeing Company today announced that it has submitted [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 8th July 2010

6 New Boeing Super Hornets Join Royal Australian Air Force Fleet Six new Boeing [NYSE: BA] F/A-18F Super Hornets arrived at Royal Australian Air Fo[more]

June 2010

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 29th June 2010

Boeing NewGen Tanker Win Would Bring 230 Jobs, $11 Million to Minnesota The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today announced that Minnesota will benefit f[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 25th June 2010

Boeing C-130 Avionics Modernization Program to Enter Production The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today announced that the U.S. Air Force has granted t[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 3rd June 2010

Boeing Completes Delivery of Software to Support 2010 Brigade Combat Team Modernization Testing The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] announced today that [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 3rd June 2010

Boeing Delivers Security Capabilities to US Customs and Border Protection Boeing has finished installing 10 remote video surveillance systems in th[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 3rd June 2010

Boeing Delivers 1st Set of Phased Array Antennas to Raytheon The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has delivered the first production set of phased array a[more]

May 2010

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 31st May 2010

Boeing GPS IIF-1 Satellite Sends 1st Signals from Space Boeing [NYSE: BA] has acquired the first on-orbit signals from the Global Positioning Syste[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 25th May 2010

Boeing Teams with SAIC on Ground Combat Vehicle Proposal The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has teamed with Science Applications International Corporati[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 19th May 2010

Boeing-led Team Submits Test and Training System Proposal to US Air Force A team led by Boeing [NYSE: BA] submitted a proposal to the U.S. Air Forc[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 13th May 2010

Boeing Delivers Modernised High Frequency Communications System for Australia Boeing Defence Australia, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Boeing Com[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 4th May 2010

Boeing Announces Formation of Airlift and Tankers Division Boeing today announced the formation of the Airlift and Tankers (A&T) division within its [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 4th May 2010

Boeing Marks 10 Years of Communications Support for Australian Navy Collins-class Submarines Boeing Defence Australia, a wholly owned subsidiary of[more]

April 2010

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 22nd April 2010

Boeing Super Hornet Trainer Deliveries Allow US Navy to Train in 4-ship Formation Boeing and teammate L-3 Link Simulation & Training today announce[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 22nd April 2010

Boeing-built Orbital Test Vehicle X-37B Begins 1st Flight Boeing today announced the successful launch of the Boeing-built Orbital Test Vehicle (OT[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 15th April 2010

Boeing to Promote Precision Capabilities, Innovative Solutions at Army Aviation Convention FORT WORTH, Texas, April 14, 2010 -- The Boeing Company[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 15th April 2010

Boeing Completes Chinook Industrial Cooperation Program in Spain MADRID, April 13, 2010 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today announced that it ha[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 12th April 2010

Boeing to Provide Next-Generation GPS Ground Systems Support to US Air Force Boeing today announced that, as part of the Raytheon team awarded the [more]

March 2010

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 31st March 2010

Boeing Licenses XR700 Solar Power Technology to Stirling Energy Systems SEAL BEACH, Calif., March 30, 2010 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] and Sti[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 26th March 2010

Boeing Completes CF-18 Hornet Modernization Project for Canada ST. LOUIS, March 25, 2010 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today delivered the 79th [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 15th March 2010

Boeing A160T Proves Resupply Capability for US Marines The Boeing A160T Hummingbird has successfully completed a cargo delivery demonstration under[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 5th March 2010

Boeing's 3rd GOES Satellite Sends 1st Signals From Space Boeing [NYSE: BA] has received the first on-orbit signals from the third Geostationary Ope[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 4th March 2010

Boeing to Offer NewGen Tanker to US Air Force The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today announced that it will offer the Boeing NewGen Tanker in the comp[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 3rd March 2010

Boeing Awards Harpoon Launch Structure Contract to Danish Aerotech The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today announced that it has awarded a contract val[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 2nd March 2010

3rd Boeing-Built WGS Satellite Passes On-Orbit Tests; Air Force Accepts Control of Spacecraft Boeing announced today that the U.S. Air Force accept[more]

February 2010

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 26th February 2010

Boeing Signs AU$44M Contract Expansion for Australian Army Rotary Wing Support Boeing has signed an AU$44 million change proposal with the Commonwe[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 18th February 2010

Boeing Returns E-4B National Airborne Operations Center Aircraft to Service The Boeing Company delivered an E-4B National Airborne Operations Cente[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th February 2010

Boeing Completes P-8A Weapons Ground Vibration Tests Boeing successfully completed stores (weapons) ground vibration testing on P-8A Poseidon test[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th February 2010

Boeing-led Team Submits Proposal for C-17 Training A team led by Boeing has submitted a proposal to the U.S. Air Force to provide aircrew and maint[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 15th February 2010

Boeing Submits Proposal for US Army Ground-Vehicle Support The Boeing Company today announced that it has submitted a proposal to the Defense Logis[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 10th February 2010

Newest Boeing Freighter Touches Down Safely After 3-Hour, 39-Minute Mission Boeing 747-8 Freighter Successfully Completes First FlightBoeing 747-8 Fr[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 5th February 2010

Boeing Prepares Last Major Piece of Hardware for International Space Station The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] provided engineering and cargo processin[more]

January 2010

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 29th January 2010

Boeing Helicopter Support Program to Provide Lift for Canadian Industry At a supplier conference today in Ottawa, Boeing [NYSE: BA] outlined its pr[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 12th January 2010

Boeing to Provide US Army with Battle Command System Support The Boeing Company today announced that it will provide systems design, development an[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 13th January 2010

Boeing Delivers 4th KC-767 Tanker to Japan Ministry of Defense The Boeing Company on Jan. 8 delivered the last of four KC-767 aerial refueling tank[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 6th January 2010

Boeing Laser Demonstrator Program Accepts Oshkosh Military Truck, Enters Fabrication Phase Boeing announced today that it has accepted the Oshkosh [more]

December 2009

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 29th December 2009

Boeing-Built DIRECTV 12 Satellite Delivers 1st Signals From Space Boeing has received the first on-orbit signals from DIRECTV 12 nine hours after l[more]

January 2010

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 29th January 2010

Boeing: Brigade Combat Team Modernization Increment 1 to Enter Production Boeing [NYSE: BA] today announced that Increment 1 of the U.S. Army's Bri[more]

December 2009

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th December 2009

Royal Air Force to Acquire 7th Boeing C-17 Globemaster III The Boeing Company and the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence this week announced an agr[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 18th December 2009

Boeing Delivers 1st Mk3 Chinook to UK Royal Air Force Boeing Defence UK Ltd., a subsidiary of The Boeing Company [NYSE:BA], today confirmed the No[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 1st December 2009

Boeing Receives Follow-on Contract for B-1 Targeting Pod Software Upgrades Boeing today announced it has received a $23 million contract from the U[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 1st December 2009

Boeing EA-18G Growler to Advance to Full Rate Production The Boeing [NYSE: BA] EA-18G Growler was approved to advance into Full Rate Production (FR[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 1st December 2009

3rd Boeing WGS Satellite Set to Launch From Cape Canaveral Boeing announced today that the third Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) satellite it has buil[more]

November 2009

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 20th November 2009

Boeing Completes 2nd Canadian Industrial and Regional Benefits Program for CF-18 Modernization 3 Years Ahead of Schedule The Boeing Company [NYSE: [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 20th November 2009

Boeing, Royal Australian Air Force Commission C-17 Aircrew Training System Boeing and the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) on Nov. 18 commissioned[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 18th November 2009

Boeing Laser Systems Destroy Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Tests ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., Nov. 18, 2009 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] in May demonstrate[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 12th November 2009

Boeing Receives Contract to Develop Miniature Weapon Technology The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] received a $500,000 U.S. Air Force Research Laborator[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 11th November 2009

Boeing Receives Study Contract for Submarine-Tracking Unmanned Aerial System The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] on Sept. 28 received a $275,000 contract[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 6th November 2009

Boeing Submits Small Diameter Bomb II Contract Proposal to US Air Force Boeing submitted a proposal to the U.S. Air Force on Nov. 5 for the Enginee[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 9th November 2009

Boeing Awarded $72 Million JDAM Production Contract The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has been awarded a $72 million U.S. Air Force contract for more t[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 5th November 2009

Boeing: Brigade Combat Team Modernization Program Completes Production Readiness Review Boeing today announced that the Increment 1 capabilities of[more]

October 2009

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 28th October 2009

Boeing Donates C-17 Fuselage to US Army for Air-Load Training Boeing transported a 170-foot-long C-17 Globemaster III fuselage by tractor-trailer f[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 28th October 2009

Boeing Supports Japan's 2nd Successful Test of Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System The Boeing Company on Oct. 27 played a key role in the Japan [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 23rd October 2009

Boeing Delivers 2 Apache Longbow Crew Trainers to US Army The Boeing Company delivered two new Apache Longbow Crew Trainers (LCT) to the U.S. Army [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 22nd October 2009

Boeing: Early-Infantry Brigade Combat Team Capabilities Complete Critical Design Review Boeing today announced the successful completion of the Cri[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 22nd October 2009

Boeing Completes Dutch Apache Industrial Cooperation Program The Boeing Company has successfully completed its industrial cooperation program for t[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 15th October 2009

Boeing's 3rd Wideband Global SATCOM Satellite Shipped to Cape Canaveral Boeing [NYSE: BA] announced today that the third Wideband Global SATCOM (WG[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 8th October 2009

Boeing Unveils Networked Security 'Shield' at NATO Conference The Boeing Company is demonstrating a virtual, networked security system for military[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 1st October 2009

Boeing Modernised High Frequency Communications System Enters Service With Australian Defence Force Boeing Defence Australia, a wholly owned subsid[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 1st October 2009

Boeing: Early-Infantry Brigade Combat Team Capabilities Complete Key Test Boeing [NYSE: BA] announced today that Early-Infantry Brigade Combat Team[more]

September 2009

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 29th September 2009

Boeing SLAM ER Missile System Achieves 2 Launch Milestones The Boeing [NYSE: BA] Standoff Land Attack Missile Expanded Response (SLAM ER) missile s[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 28th September 2009

Boeing Advances Security Upgrade for GPS Ground Control System Boeing [NYSE: BA] has completed developmental system testing on the U.S. Air Force's[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th September 2009

Boeing Delivers 12-Nation Strategic Airlift Capability's 2nd C-17 Globemaster III The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today delivered to the NATO Airlift[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th September 2009

Boeing F-15E Radar Modernization Program Receives New Designation The Boeing [NYSE: BA] F-15E Radar Modernization Program (RMP) recently received t[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 14th September 2009

Boeing Receives $156.5 Million NASA Payload Processing Option Boeing [NYSE: BA] has received a three-year, $156.5 million extension and modificatio[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 10th September 2009

Boeing Delivers Qatar's 2nd C-17 Globemaster III Boeing [NYSE: BA] today delivered the Qatar Emiri Air Force's second C-17 Globemaster III during [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 10th September 2009

Boeing Delivers 25,000th CSEL Search and Rescue Communications System The Boeing Company on July 31 delivered the 25,000th Combat Survivor Evader L[more]

August 2009

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 28th August 2009

Boeing to Demonstrate Ground Robotics Capabilities at US Army 'Rodeo' The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] will demonstrate its ground robotics capabiliti[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 25th August 2009

Boeing SLAM ER Modified to Engage Moving Targets on Land oeing [NYSE: BA] has modified the Standoff Land Attack Missile Expanded Response (SLAM ER)[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 21st August 2009

Boeing Processes Large Payload for Launch on Shuttle Mission STS-128 When Space Shuttle Discovery takes off from the Kennedy Space Center for the [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 7th August 2009

Boeing Submits Proposal for $5B Special Ops Logistics Support Contract The Boeing Company today submitted its Final Proposal Revision (FPR) in resp[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 6th August 2009

Boeing B-52 With Combat Network Communications Upgrade Enters Flight Test Boeing on Aug. 5 delivered to the U.S. Air Force a B-52 Stratofortress up[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 5th August 2009

Boeing Upgrades F-18 Training Systems for Finnish Air Force Boeing today announced that it has delivered upgrades for three F-18 Weapons Tactics an[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 4th August 2009

Boeing Rolls Out US Navy's P-8A Poseidon The Boeing Company and the U.S. Navy today formally unveiled the service's newest maritime patrol and rec[more]

July 2009

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th July 2009

Boeing Signs 4-Satellite Contract With Intelsat 1st Order for Boeing 702B Satellite Design The Boeing Company today announced that Intelsat Ltd.[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 8th July 2009

Modified Boeing Chinook Mk3 Successfully Completes 1st Test Flight Boeing Defence UK Ltd., a subsidiary of The Boeing Company, today announced tha[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 7th July 2009

Boeing Awarded Additional US Navy Communications Network Design Services Contract The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has been awarded a U.S. Navy contra[more]

June 2009

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 30th June 2009

Boeing to Provide Systems Engineering for GOES-R Ground Operations Boeing [NYSE: BA] announced today that it will provide systems engineering exper[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 25th June 2009

Boeing Ships Next-Generation GPS Satellite to Cape Canaveral for Tests Boeing [NYSE: BA] has shipped a Global Positioning System (GPS) IIF satellit[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 28th June 2009

Boeing, NASA and NOAA Receive 1st Signal From GOES-O Satellite Following Successful Launch The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA], NASA and the National Oce[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th June 2009

Boeing Completes On-Orbit Handover of 2nd Wideband Global SATCOM Satellite to US Air Force Boeing on June 15 successfully transferred control of th[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th June 2009

Boeing Creates Unmanned Airborne Systems Division Boeing today announced the formation of an Unmanned Airborne Systems (UAS) division within its de[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th June 2009

Boeing Acquisition of eXMeritus, Inc. Enhances Capabilities in Cyber and Intelligence Markets The Boeing Company today announced it has signed an a[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th June 2009

Boeing Advanced Tactical Laser Fires High-Power Laser in Flight The Boeing Company and the U.S. Air Force on June 13 successfully fired the high-po[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th June 2009

Boeing Receives Contract for Future Combat Systems Spin Out Production Boeing announced today that it has received a contract from the U.S. Army fo[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th June 2009

Boeing Completes Communications and Air Traffic Management Upgrade for US Air Force AWACS Fleet SEATTLE, June 16, 2009 – The Boeing Company [[more]

May 2009

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 22nd May 2009

Boeing Wins $250M Special Ops Contract for ScanEagle ISR Services Boeing announced today that it recently received a contract from U.S. Special Ope[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 22nd May 2009

Boeing B-52 With Combat Network Communications Upgrade Makes 1st FlightBoeing B-52 With Combat Network Communications Upgrade Makes 1st Flight Boei[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 27th May 2009

The Boeing Company, with its wholly owned subsidiary Insitu, has announced the first U.S. $25 million in contracts to Canadian companies as part of a [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 5th May 2009

Marinette Marine, a Fincantieri Company, and Boeing Team for Navy LCAC Replacement Program Marinette Marine Corporation, a subsidiary of Fincantier[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 1st May 2009

Royal Air Force's Boeing C-17s Surpass 50,000 Hours of Flight Time Boeing and the UK Royal Air Force (RAF) today announced that the RAF fleet of si[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 1st May 2009

Boeing to Showcase Maritime Superiority Solutions at Navy League Exposition The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] will showcase a wide range of advanced na[more]

April 2009

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 29th April 2009

Boeing, Danish Aerotech Sign MOU for Super Hornet Support The Boeing Company and civil defense and aerospace company Danish Aerotech today signed a[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 28th April 2009

Boeing P-8A Poseidon Successfully Completes 1st Flight moving closer to delivery to the U.S. Navy Boeing P-8A Poseidon test aircraft T-1 successful[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 28th April 2009

Boeing P-8A Poseidon Successfully Completes 1st Flight moving closer to delivery to the U.S. Navy Boeing P-8A Poseidon test aircraft T-1 successful[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th April 2009

Boeing Awarded US Navy Contract to Develop Free Electron Laser The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has been awarded a U.S. Navy contract valued at up to [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th April 2009

Preliminary Design Review Validates Technological Maturity of Future Combat Systems Common Controller Boeing and Science Applications International[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th April 2009

Boeing Ships IndoStar II / ProtoStar II Satellite to Baikonur Launch Site Boeing today announced that it has shipped the IndoStar II/ProtoStar II s[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 14th April 2009

Boeing CH-47F Chinook Helicopter Fielded by US Army's 82nd Airborne Division Boeing today announced that a fourth U.S. Army unit has fielded the CH[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 14th April 2009

Boeing-Insitu ScanEagle Logs 150,000 Service Hours in Iraq and Afghanistan The ScanEagle unmanned aircraft system (UAS), a joint effort of The Boei[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 7th April 2009

Boeing, Denmark's Systematic Sign 3 Memoranda of Understanding The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] and Danish systems integration and software developmen[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 1st April 2009

Boeing Teams With TAK to Develop Wing Assembly for 2,000-Pound JDAM ER Boeing [NYSE: BA] today announced an agreement with Times Aerospace Korea, L[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 1st April 2009

Boeing Awarded $20 Million Task Order for Northern Border Project The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] received a task order today from U.S. Customs and B[more]

March 2009

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 19th March 2009

Boeing Delivers 1st JTRS GMR Radio Engineering Development Models to US Army Boeing delivered the first two engineering development models (EDM) of[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 18th March 2009

Boeing Unveils New International F-15 Configuration -- the F-15SE The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today in St. Louis unveiled the F-15 Silent Eagle[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th March 2009

Future Combat Systems Unmanned Vehicles Complete Preliminary Design Reviews Boeing and Science Applications International Corp., together the Lead [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 12th March 2009

Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet Program Completes Infrared Search and Track System Tests The Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet Infrared Search and Track [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 6th March 2009

Boeing Expands Electronic Flight Bag Offerings - Hardware provides customers the flexibility they want in an EFB solution Today Boeing [NYSE: BA] a[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 5th March 2009

Boeing Ships Next-Generation Weather Satellite GOES-O to Launch Site Boeing and NASA announced today that the second of three next-generation Geos[more]

February 2009

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 26th February 2009

Boeing Delivers 1st CH-47F Chinook Manufactured Under Multiyear Contract Award Boeing [NYSE: BA] today announced delivery of the first CH-47F Chino[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 26th February 2009

Future Combat Systems Program Completes Integrated Mission Test-1. Boeing and Science Applications International Corp, together the Lead Systems In[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 27th February 2009

Boeing Transfers 3rd KC-767J Tanker to Japanese Partner Itochu Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] on Feb. 25 transferred the third KC-767J tanker to the c[more]

March 2009

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 1st March 2009

Boeing Submits Proposal for Altair Lunar Lander Study Contract The Boeing Company, through its Space Exploration division, submitted a proposal to [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 2nd March 2009

Boeing Insitu ScanEagle UAS Completes Sea Trials With Singapore Navy ScanEagle, a long-endurance, fully autonomous unmanned aircraft system (UAS) [more]

February 2009

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 25th February 2009

Boeing Delivers Two Qatar Airways 777-200LRs in February Middle East Carrier has a total of 27 777s on order EVERET, Wash., Feb. 24, 2009 -- Boeing[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 21st February 2009

Boeing to Demonstrate Vigilare Air Battle Management System at IDEX 2009 Boeing [NYSE: BA] will demonstrate the Vigilare integrated air battle mana[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th February 2009

Boeing Delivers 1st Communications Payload to Lockheed Martin in support of the U.S. Navy's new Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) The Boeing Comp[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 5th February 2009

Boeing Receives Contract to Add Virtual Radar to US Navy T-45 Training System The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] received a $28.3 million contract on Ja[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 4th February 2009

Boeing Awarded $250 Million Missile Defense Support Contract Boeing [NYSE: BA] has been awarded a one-year, $250 million Missile Defense Agency (MD[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 4th February 2009

Boeing Submits A-10 Sustainment/Integration Contract Proposal to US Air Force The Boeing Company today submitted a proposal to the U.S. Air Force t[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 6th February 2009

Boeing, US Navy Deliver Proposal to Equip Brazil's Air Force With Super Hornets Boeing [NYSE: BA] and the U.S. Navy on Feb. 2 delivered a proposal [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 2nd February 2009

Boeing Receives $19.1 Million F2AST Contract From US Air Force The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today announced its first contract award under the U.S[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 2nd February 2009

Boeing Successfully Completes Flights of 2 Wedgetail AEW&C Aircraft Modified in Australia The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has conducted successful fu[more]

January 2009

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 27th January 2009

Boeing Laser Avenger Shoots Down Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Tests The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has successfully demonstrated that a laser system [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 15th January 2009

Boeing Awarded $234 Million to Complete Production of 6th Wideband Global SATCOM Satellite The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today announced that the U[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 7th January 2009

Boeing Increases Capability of On-Orbit US Navy Satellite Boeing [NYSE: BA] has successfully reconfigured an on-orbit U.S. Navy satellite, adding 3[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 6th January 2009

Boeing Unites UK Rotorcraft Support Business Today Boeing Defence UK Ltd., a subsidiary of The Boeing Company, announced the establishment of a new[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 6th January 2009

Boeing P-8I Selected as Indian Navy's Long-Range Maritime Patrol Aircraft The Government of India has selected The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] to pr[more]

December 2008

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 19th December 2008

Boeing KC-767 Tankers for Italian Air Force Achieve Refueling Milestone A Boeing [NYSE: BA] KC-767 aerial refueling aircraft built for the Italian [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 19th December 2008

Boeing to Launch 4th Earth-Observation Satellite for Italy The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA], through its commercial launch business, has received a co[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 18th December 2008

Boeing Completes Acquisition of Digital Receiver Technology The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has completed its acquisition of Digital Receiver Techno[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 18th December 2008

Boeing A160T Unmanned Rotorcraft Shifts Gears in Flight, Passes 100 Flight-Hours Boeing [NYSE: BA] today announced that its A160 Turbine (A160T) Hu[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 19th December 2008

Boeing Makes Network-Centric Advances in 2008 Significant milestones in major network systems programs --like the U.S. Army's Future Combat Systems[more]

November 2008

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 25th November 2008

JDAM ER Weapon System Successful in Royal Australian Air Force Flight Tests Boeing today announced that its Joint Direct Attack Munition Extended R[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 26th November 2008

Royal Netherlands Navy Launches Harpoons From New Frigate Boeing today announced that the Royal Netherlands Navy has successfully test-launched two[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 19th November 2008

Boeing Upgrades, Powers Up 3rd C-130 for Avionics Modernization Program The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] announced today that it has successfully comp[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 19th November 2008

Boeing JTRS Ground Mobile Radios Team Demonstrates Integrated Communications Boeing [NYSE: BA] and the U.S. Department of Defense Joint Program Exe[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 19th November 2008

Boeing Announces New Name, Leader for Australian Defense Operations The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today announced it is changing the name of its In[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 19th November 2008

Boeing CH-47F Chinook Helicopter Fielded by US Army's 1st Cavalry Division Boeing [NYSE: BA] announced today that its CH-47F Chinook helicopter has[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 19th November 2008

Boeing CAPPS Program Attains Environmental Certification KENNEDY SPACE CENTER Boeing [NYSE: BA] today announced that its Checkout, Assembly and Pa[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 3rd November 2008

Boeing and QinetiQ Help Deliver Pre-deployment Training to UK Ground Forces A QinetiQ-led team that includes The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] is coll[more]

October 2008

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 30th October 2008

Boeing Team Awarded AESA Radar Modernization Contract for US Air Force F-15E The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has been awarded a $238 million System D[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 29th October 2008

Boeing Selects BAE Systems to Provide Digital Electronic Warfare Suite for International F-15s The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has selected BAE Syste[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 20th October 2008

Boeing to Supply Security Systems for Minuteman III Launch Facilities The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] announced today that it will manufacture and de[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 13th October 2008

Boeing Delivers 20,000th Combat Search and Rescue Communications System The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today announced its delivery of the 20,000th [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 7th October 2008

Boeing Awarded Initial Phase of Estimated $3 Billion Contract for C-17 Support The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has been awarded the initial phase of [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 3rd October 2008

Boeing Consolidates Aviation Training Organizations Under the Alteon Name The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] announced today it is combining Alteon, a [more]

September 2008

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 22nd September 2008

Boeing Launches Defense & Government Services Division for Market Growth The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today launched a new division within its Int[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th September 2008

Boeing Laser JDAM Demonstrated on B-52H for 1st Time An airman at Barksdale Air Force Base (AFB), La., loads a Boeing [NYSE: BA] Laser Joint Direct[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th September 2008

Boeing to Provide Research and Development for US Army Rotorcraft Programs The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has won three competitive proposals result[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 3rd September 2008

Boeing Improves Testing Efficiency on US Air Force WGS Satellite Program Boeing technicians prepare the third Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) satellit[more]

August 2008

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 26th August 2008

Boeing Awarded US Army Contract for 191 CH-47F Chinook Helicopters The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has been awarded a five-year U.S. Army contract va[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 27th August 2008

Boeing, US Navy Offer Super Hornet for Denmark Fighter Competition Boeing [NYSE: BA] and the U.S. Navy delivered a proposal Aug. 15 offering the ad[more]

September 2008

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 2nd September 2008

Boeing, US Air Force Keep C-17 Globemaster III Mission-Ready A U.S. Air Force maintenance crew chief inspects an engine on a Boeing [NYSE: BA] C-17[more]

August 2008

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 20th August 2008

Boeing Awarded Contract to Continue Developing Mobile Laser Weapon The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has been awarded a U.S. Army contract valued at ap[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 8th August 2008

Boeing Awarded $153 Million U.S. Navy Contract for Countermine System The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has been awarded a $153 million U.S. Navy contr[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 13th August 2008

Boeing's 1st P-8A Poseidon Moves From Final Assembly to Preflight Boeing [NYSE: BA] Integrated Defense Systems (IDS) and Boeing Commercial Airplane[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 1st August 2008

Boeing Team to Design New Spacecraft Power Generation System for DARPA A team led by Boeing [NYSE: BA] Advanced Systems has been awarded a Defense [more]

July 2008

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 24th July 2008

Boeing to Team With Raytheon on EP-X Aircraft Program The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today announced that Raytheon has joined its EP-X industry te[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 22nd July 2008

Boeing Delivers 4th High-Definition TV Satellite to DIRECTV The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today announced that DIRECTV Inc. has taken on-orbit deli[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 19th July 2008

Boeing, Missile Defense Agency Successfully Complete Missile Defense Sensor Integration Test The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA], working with industry t[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th July 2008

Boeing, Air Force Continue Testing C-130 AMP Aircraft Boeing's [NYSE: BA] chief test pilot for the C-130 Avionics Modernization Program (AMP), and [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th July 2008

Boeing, Air China Announce Agreements for Boeing 777s and 737s The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has signed an order with Air China, the flag carrier o[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th July 2008

Boeing Successfully Completes Flight of 1st AEW&C Peace Eagle Aircraft Modified in Turkey The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has successfully conducted [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th July 2008

Boeing, Malaysia Airlines Announce Order for 35 Next-Generation 737s Boeing [NYSE: BA] and Kuala Lumpur-based Malaysia Airlines today announced th[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th July 2008

Boeing, Aviation Capital Group Sign Order for 15 Next-Generation 737s Boeing [NYSE: BA] and Aviation Capital Group (ACG), a subsidiary of Pacific [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th July 2008

Boeing and AgustaWestland Announce CH-47F Chinook Helicopter Industrial Agreement at Farnborough Airshow The Boeing Company and AgustaWestland, a [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 15th July 2008

Boeing 787 Vice President Says Program is a Leap Forward on All Fronts The Boeing Company is making steady progress on getting the 787 Dreamliner g[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 15th July 2008

The Boeing Company has completed a major communications upgrade on the first of five Saudi E-3 Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft as[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 15th July 2008

Boeing 777 Freighter Makes First Flight The first Boeing [NYSE: BA] 777 Freighter, the world's most capable twin-engine cargo airplane, today succe[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 14th July 2008

Boeing, Etihad Airways Announce Twin-Aisle Order Boeing [NYSE: BA] and Etihad Airways today announced an order for 35 787-9 Dreamliners and 10 777-[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 9th July 2008

Boeing Teams With Canadian Firm to Build Heavy-Lift Rotorcraft The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] and SkyHook International Inc. today announced a teami[more]

June 2008

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 27th June 2008

Boeing Selects Elbit to Supply Virtual Radar for U.S. Navy's T-45 Training System =The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today announced that it has select[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 13th June 2008

Agreement to Acquire Vought Share of Global Aeronautica Closes Boeing [NYSE: BA] announced today it has finalized the agreement to acquire Vought A[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 13th June 2008

Boeing- and SAIC-led Industry Team, Future Combat Systems Program Complete Integration of 1st Manned Ground Vehicle Prototype Boeing [NYSE: BA] and[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 13th June 2008

Boeing Receives Satellite Industry Leadership Award The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today announced that it received the Satellite Industry Leadershi[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 6th June 2008

Boeing Awarded Navy Contract for ScanEagle Services The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA], in partnership with Insitu Inc., has been awarded a $65 million [more]

May 2008

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 28th May 2008

Boeing's Airborne Laser Team Begins Laser Activation Tests The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA], industry teammates and the U.S. Missile Defense Agency ac[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 19th May 2008

Boeing-SAIC Team, Future Combat Systems Program Play Key Roles in Joint Expeditionary Force Experiment 2008 Boeing and Science Applications Intern[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th May 2008

Boeing Receives Contract to Further Develop Dual-Role Missile The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has been awarded a $5.2 million U.S. Air Force Research[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th May 2008

Boeing Completes 6 Years of On-Time Minuteman III Missile Guidance Set Deliveries Boeing [NYSE: BA] has achieved six years of consecutive on-time d[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th May 2008

Boeing Aims to Make Maintenance Repair and Overhaul Facilities More Environmentally Progressive Boeing Shanghai Challenge gives colleges a chance [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 9th May 2008

Boeing Provides New Test Facility for Next-Gen Radar Technology The Boeing Company today dedicated a new test and evaluation facility in Huntington[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 6th May 2008

Boeing Team Receives Howard Hughes Award for Network-Centric Rotorcraft Demonstrations A team comprised of The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA], the U.S. [more]

April 2008

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 21st April 2008

Boeing and Ball Aerospace Achieve New Milestone for SBSS Program The Space Based Space Surveillance (SBSS) System Block 10 team, led by Boeing [NYS[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 8th April 2008

Boeing and TEAM TSAT Confirm Readiness of Advanced Satellite Electronics The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] and its TEAM TSAT industry partners have su[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 7th April 2008

Boeing Teams With Computer Sciences Corp. for Special Operations Competition The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today announced a teaming agreement with[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 7th April 2008

Boeing Modifies 5th C-17 For Royal Air Force Structural mechanic Richard Flores labels fasteners to be removed from a United Kingdom C-17 as part o[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 7th April 2008

Boeing CH-47F Chinook Helicopter Fielded by US Army's 4th Infantry Division The Boeing Company's [NYSE: BA] CH-47F Chinook helicopter has been fiel[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 4th April 2008

Boeing Names Paul Kinscherff to Lead Business in Gulf States The Boeing Company today named Paul Kinscherff president of Boeing Middle East. He wil[more]

March 2008

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 25th March 2008

Boeing DIRECTV 11 Satellite Receives 1st Signal The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has received the first on-orbit signals from its DIRECTV 11 satellit[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 25th March 2008

Boeing Awarded $49.5 Million Joint Helmet-Mounted Cueing System Contract The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has been awarded a $49.5 million U.S. Air Fo[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 19th March 2008

Boeing Flight-Tests 2-Pound Imaging Radar Aboard ScanEagle Unmanned Aircraft The Boeing Company, in partnership with ImSAR and Insitu Inc., has su[more]

February 2008

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 27th February 2008

Boeing Awarded U.S. Army Contract for 11 New CH-47F Chinook Helicopters The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has been awarded a $280.5 million U.S. Army c[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 27th February 2008

Boeing Awarded U.S. Army Contract for 11 New CH-47F Chinook Helicopters The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has been awarded a $280.5 million U.S. Army c[more]

March 2008

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 12th March 2008

Boeing Recognized for Live, Virtual and Constructive Training Demonstration The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] on Tuesday received the Outstanding Achie[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th March 2008

Boeing Awarded 2nd Contract for F-15 Radar Upgrade Work The Boeing Company has been awarded a $130 million U.S. Air Force contract to upgrade 16 Ai[more]

February 2008

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 21st February 2008

Boeing Delivers First KC-767 Tanker to Japan The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today delivered the first Japan KC-767 Tanker to the Itochu Corp., fo[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 19th February 2008

Boeing Awarded Air Force Contract for Advanced Laser Development and Testing The Boeing Company has been awarded a $49 million U.S. Air Force contr[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 18th February 2008

Boeing, Other Ares I Upper Stage Contractors Sign Associates Agreement The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has signed an associate contractor's agreement[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 12th February 2008

Boeing Awarded $4 Million U.S. Navy Contract for Guided Missile Destroyer Communications Network The Boeing Company has been awarded a $4 million U[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 13th February 2008

Boeing-built U.S. Navy T-45 Jet Trainer Achieves 800,000 Flight-Hours of Service The Boeing Company is celebrating a milestone for the T-45 Goshawk[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 7th February 2008

Boeing Courts Ares I Suppliers to Provide NASA with Best Value The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today hosted an aerospace industry conference in Hunts[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 7th February 2008

Thales and Boeing Sign FRES Contract with UK Ministry of Defence The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) today announced the award of a contract to Thales[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 5th February 2008

Boeing Receives KC-10 Logistics Support Contract Extension The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has received a $307 million U.S. Air Force contract extens[more]

January 2008

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 30th January 2008

Boeing Completes First KC-767 Tanker Night Refueling The Boeing Company made KC-767 program history Jan. 26 when one if its aircrews successfully [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 28th January 2008

Boeing Completes On-Orbit Handover of Wideband Global SATCOM Satellite to U.S. Air Force Boeing today announced the successful on-orbit handover o[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 23rd January 2008

Boeing Awarded $14.9 Million A-10 Wing Modelling Contract The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has been awarded a $14.9 million U.S. Air Force contract fo[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 3rd January 2008

Boeing Submits Final KC-767 Advanced Tanker Proposal to U.S. Air Force The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today submitted its final KC-767 Advanced Tank[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 3rd January 2008

Boeing and Airborne Laser Teammates Achieve Final 2007 Milestone The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA], industry teammates and the U.S. Missile Defense Age[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 3rd January 2008

Boeing Responds to Missile Defense Agency's GMD Information Request The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has responded to a U.S. Missile Defense Agency (M[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 8th January 2008

Boeing Submits HH-47 Combat Search and Rescue Proposal to U.S. Air Force The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today submitted its revised HH-47 Combat Sea[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 15th January 2008

Boeing Begins Production of Joint Tactical Radio System Ground Mobile Radios Engineering Models The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has begun initial pro[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 15th January 2008

Boeing Opens F-15E Mission Training Center at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has opened a new F-15E Mission Training [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 9th January 2008

Boeing Delivers 36 Chinook Helicopters in 2007 The Boeing Company in 2007 delivered 36 Chinook helicopters to U.S. Army and international customers[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 15th January 2008

Boeing Receives Signals from Thuraya-3 Commercial Satellite Following Launch Boeing has acquired the first signals from the Thuraya-3 Geo-mobile s[more]

December 2007

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 21st December 2007

Boeing to Build NASA's Newest Tracking and Data Relay Satellites Latest award results in five Boeing satellites in NASA's TDRS fleet NASA has retur[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 13th December 2007

Boeing Selected to Build Instrument Unit Avionics for NASA's Ares I Crew Launch Vehicle The Boeing Company has been awarded an initial NASA contrac[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 11th December 2007

Boeing Selected to Help Develop New U.S. Air Force GPS Ground System The Boeing Company today announced that it has been selected to participate in[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 12th December 2007

Boeing Completes Key Space Based Space Surveillance System Tests The Boeing Company has successfully completed a series of Space Based Space Survei[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 6th December 2007

Boeing Submits Proposal for KC-10 Contractor Logistics Support Work The Boeing Company today submitted a proposal to the U.S. Air Force to continue[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 7th December 2007

AFRL, Boeing Demonstrate That UAVs Can Perform Automated Aerial Refueling Can an unmanned air vehicle be made smart enough to autonomously rendezv[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 7th December 2007

Boeing Wins $45 Million U.S. Air Force B-1B Upgrade Contract Boeing has been awarded a $45 million U.S. Air Force contract to upgrade the B-1B bo[more]

November 2007

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 28th November 2007

Boeing Awarded International Aviation Trophy for X-45A The Boeing Company has received the prestigious Johnston Memorial Trophy from the London-bas[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 28th November 2007

Boeing Receives Third C-130 for Avionics Modernization The Boeing Company yesterday inducted the third U.S. Air Force C-130 into the Avionics Mode[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 27th November 2007

Boeing Achieves First Submerged Unmanned Undersea Vehicle Recovery by a Submarine The Boeing Company has successfully demonstrated for the first ti[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 21st November 2007

Boeing Delivers Third C-40C to U.S. Air Force Reserve Command The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] Friday delivered the third of three C-40C transport a[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 7th November 2007

Boeing Supports First Dual Intercept Test of Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System The Boeing Company played a key role in today's successful test[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 6th November 2007

Boeing to Showcase Advanced Range of Products, Services at Dubai 2007 The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] at this year's Dubai Air Show will spotlight a [more]

October 2007

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th October 2007

Boeing Conducts Successful Avenger-Mounted Laser Tests Innovative system neutralizes IEDs, unexploded ordnance The Boeing Company has successfully[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th October 2007

Boeing Performance on KC-10 Support Positions Company for Additional Work The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] recently completed its 700th consecutive on[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th October 2007

Boeing Awarded Contract to Integrate F-22 into U.S. Air Force Distributed Mission Operations Training Network The Boeing Company has been awarded a[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 11th October 2007

Boeing Delivers New Chinook Training Capability CH-47D Chinook helicopter maintenance trainer The Boeing Company has shipped a new CH-47D Chinook [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 11th October 2007

Boeing Delivers Dual-Cockpit Joint Helmet-Mounted Cueing System to the U.S. Navy The Boeing Company Oct. 9 delivered the first factory-installed, d[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 10th October 2007

Future Combat Systems Team Successfully Completes Milestone Review and Major Engineering Phase Boeing and partner Science Applications Internationa[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 10th October 2007

Boeing Awarded Contract for U.S. Apache Helicopter Support The Boeing Company has been awarded a U.S. Department of Defense performance-based logis[more]

September 2007

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 20th September 2007

Boeing Awarded Launch Services Contract for Third Italian Earth Observation Satellite Boeing, through its commercial launch business, has been awar[more]

August 2007

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 29th August 2007

Boeing Awarded $19.9 Million Contract to Support U.S. Army Apache Helicopters ST. LOUIS, Aug. 28, 2007 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has been awar[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 28th August 2007

Boeing Selected to Build NASA's Upper Stage for Ares I The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has been awarded a NASA contract valued at approximately $514.[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 30th August 2007

Boeing Resumes Flight Testing of Japan KC-767 Tanker Boeing today announced that the Japan Air Self-Defense Force's (JASDF) first KC-767 Tanker h[more]


Boeing Defense, Space & Security 30th November -0001

Boeing Apache Helicopter Flight Simulators Provide High Fidelity Training The Boeing Company has developed and delivered 23 Apache Longbow Crew Tra[more]

August 2007

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 10th August 2007

Boeing Submits TSAT Production Proposal to U.S. Air Force The Boeing Company and its TEAM TSAT industry partners today submitted a proposal to the [more]

July 2007

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 23rd July 2007

Boeing Awarded Contract to Develop Ruggedized Beam Control System for Mobile Laser Weapon System he Boeing Company has been awarded a U.S. Army con[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th July 2007

Boeing Approved for Full-Rate Production and Fielding of CH-47F Chinook Helicopter The Boeing Company has received U.S. Army authorization for full[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th July 2007

Boeing to Submit Proposal for Global Positioning System III The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] is preparing a response to a U.S. Air Force Request for P[more]

June 2007

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 20th June 2007

Boeing Assembly of United Kingdom's Fifth C-17 Under Way The Boeing Company has begun assembling the fifth C-17 Globemaster III for the United King[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 20th June 2007

Boeing Delivers First New-Build Apache Longbow Helicopter to U.S. Army The Boeing Company recently delivered the first new-build AH-64D Apache Long[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 18th June 2007

Frost & Sullivan award Barco leadership in defense market Barco is proud to announce that Frost & Sullivan has recognized the company for its leade[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 18th June 2007

Boeing Completes First Wideband Global SATCOM Satellite and Prepares Spacecraft for Shipment The Boeing Company has completed integration and test [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 18th June 2007

Boeing Completes First Flight of A160T Hummingbird Unmanned Helicopter The Boeing Company successfully completed the first flight of the A160T Humm[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 14th June 2007

Boeing-led Team Responding to TSAT Space Segment Request for Proposal The Boeing Company and its best-of-industry TEAM TSAT are preparing a respons[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 7th June 2007

Boeing Demonstrates Integrated Voice, Data and Video Services with TSAT Tests The Boeing Company has further demonstrated that its Transformational[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 7th June 2007

Boeing and Lockheed Martin Complete Successful SDB II First Flight Boeing and industry teammate Lockheed Martin successfully completed the first fl[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 5th June 2007

Thales and Boeing Announce FRES Team Thales UK and Boeing have agreed to form an exclusive team, led by Thales UK, to jointly bid to deliver the Sy[more]

May 2007

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 31st May 2007

Boeing Delivers First C-17 to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware ST. LOUIS, May 31, 2007 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today delivered the first o[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 18th May 2007

Boeing Dual-Cockpit Cueing System Introduced to U.S. Navy Squadron The first Boeing F/A-18F Super Hornet retrofitted with an aft cockpit Joint Helm[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 22nd May 2007

Boeing Awarded $30 Million U.S. Air Force Contract to Upgrade B-52s The Boeing Company has been awarded a $30 million U.S. Air Force contract to up[more]

April 2007

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 26th April 2007

Boeing Demonstrates Key GPS III Features in Critical Program Review ST. LOUIS, April 26, 2007 -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] this month successfully completed [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 24th April 2007

Boeing and iRobot Team to Develop New Reconnaissance Robot for Military, Civil and Commercial Use Boeing and iRobot Corp. today announced they have[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 23rd April 2007

Boeing-Insitu ScanEagle UAV Logs 1,000 Combat Flight Hours with Australian Army ScanEagle, a fully autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) develop[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 23rd April 2007

Boeing Honors Top Suppliers with Performance Award The Boeing Company honored 11 companies tonight with its premier supplier award, presented to t[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 11th April 2007

Boeing Successfully Tests First SBInet Mobile Sensor Tower Tower and components prove functional The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has successfully [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 4th April 2007

Boeing and Sun Microsystems Federal Collaborate to Solve Extreme Data Computing 10+ Gigabits per Second Architecture to Facilitate Data Demands of[more]

March 2007

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 21st March 2007

Boeing, Missile Defense Agency Complete Successful Test of Sea-Based Radar The Boeing Company, working with industry teammates and the U.S. Missile[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 7th March 2007

The Boeing Company [NYSE:BA] has begun training U.S. Air Force flight crews and maintenance personnel in a key step in preparation for the fielding of[more]

February 2007

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 2nd February 2007

Boeing and Canada Sign Deal for Four C-17s Boeing [NYSE: BA] and the Canadian government have signed an agreement for the purchase of four C-17 Gl[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 6th February 2007

Boeing to Refurbish and Test Unmanned Undersea Vehicle for U.S. Navy The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has signed an $11 million sole-source contract w[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 6th February 2007

Boeing Demonstrates Increased Capabilities on B-1 Bomber The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has successfully demonstrated the use of an electro-optical[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 8th February 2007

Boeing ScanEagle Team Achieves Compliance with NATO UAV Interoperability Standard The Boeing [NYSE: BA] and Insitu, Inc., ScanEagle team has gained[more]

January 2007

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th January 2007

Boeing Begins Delivery of New AH-64DHA Apache Longbows for Greece The Boeing Company has begun the delivery process for 12 new AH-64DHA Apache Long[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th January 2007

Boeing, U.S. Air Force Demonstrate Advanced Airborne Networking First Boeing [NYSE: BA] and the U.S. Air Force have demonstrated for the first time[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th January 2007

Boeing Delivers Wing Set for 100th F-22 Raptor Ahead of Schedule The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] delivered the wings for the U.S. Air Force's 100th F[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 30th January 2007

Boeing Concludes Purchase of C-Map to Grow Jeppesen Marine Business Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today announced it has concluded its purchase of C-Ma[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 31st January 2007

Boeing-led Team Responding to Request for Proposals for AMF JTRS Design A Boeing-led team is preparing a response to a Request for Proposals (RFP),[more]

December 2006

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 7th December 2006

Boeing Demonstrates Interoperability between TSAT and BAE Systems' Airborne Lasercom Risk Reduction Terminal Boeing recently demonstrated communica[more]

November 2006

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 27th November 2006

Boeing Demonstrates UAV Automated Aerial Refueling Capability The Boeing [NYSE: BA] Automated Aerial Refueling (AAR) program successfully completed[more]

October 2006

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 24th October 2006

Future Combat Systems Team Opens Field Test Center in New Mexico The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] and partner Science Applications International Corpo[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 24th October 2006

Future Combat Systems Team Opens Field Test Center in New Mexico The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] and partner Science Applications International Corpo[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 25th October 2006

New Boeing CH-47F Takes Flight The Boeing Company's [NYSE: BA] first production CH-47F Chinook helicopter successfully completes its first flight O[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 30th October 2006

Boeing KC-767 Tanker Transfers Fuel for First Time Boeing successfully transferred fuel for the first time Oct. 23 from its KC-767 Tanker advanced[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 30th October 2006

Boeing Starts Production of Wing Set for 100th F-22 Raptor ST. LOUIS, Oct. 30, 2006 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] this week began assembling the w[more]

November 2006

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 1st November 2006

Boeing-built Satellite for XM Satellite Radio Successfully Launched Click image to view Photo Release. These images are available for editorial u[more]

August 2006

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 14th August 2006

Boeing Demonstrates TSAT Operational Capabilities The Boeing Company recently demonstrated the interoperability of the Transformational Satellite C[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 14th August 2006

Boeing Delivers 501st AH-64D Apache Longbow to U.S. Army ST. LOUIS, Aug. 09, 2006 The Boeing Company today delivered the U.S. Army's 501st AH-64D [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 14th August 2006

Boeing Awards Data Link Contracts for Small Diameter Bomb Boeing [NYSE: BA] has awarded contracts to Harris Corp. and Rockwell Collins to participa[more]

July 2006

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 5th July 2006

Boeing to Build Three Additional Global Positioning System Satellites ST. LOUIS, July 05, 2006 -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] has been awarded a $138 million o[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 10th July 2006

Boeing to Highlight Broad Range of Commercial, Defense Products and Services at Farnborough 2006 CHICAGO, July 10, 2006 -- The Boeing Company [N[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 12th July 2006

Boeing Announces Supplier Agreement with Rockwell Collins for Combat Search and Rescue Program The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has announced an agree[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 11th July 2006

Boeing Scores Direct Hit in Laser JDAM Moving Target Test The Boeing Company successfully tested its Laser Joint Direct Attack Munition (LJDAM) we[more]

June 2006

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 28th June 2006

Boeing Announces Supplier Agreement with Armor Holdings for Combat Search and Rescue Program ST. LOUIS, June 28, 2006 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 28th June 2006

Boeing Completes First Delta IV West Coast Launch Boeing completed the first flight of a Delta IV rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., t[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 28th June 2006

Boeing Awarded B-52H Weapons Integration Contract The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has received a U.S. Air Force contract worth up to $150 million to [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 12th June 2006

Boeing and Lockheed Martin F-22 Test Team Scores Direct Hit in Supersonic, High-Altitude JDAM Drop The U.S. Air Force F-22 Combined Test Force team[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 13th June 2006

Boeing Announces Supplier Agreement with Keystone Helicopter for Combat Search and Rescue Program The Boeing Company has announced an agreement wit[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 15th June 2006

Boeing Unveils New CH-47F Chinook Helicopter to U.S. Army The Boeing Company today unveiled the first production CH-47F Chinook helicopter to the U[more]

May 2006

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 22nd May 2006

Boeing Delivers First Small Diameter Bomb I System to U.S. Air Force The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today delivered the first production Small Diame[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 23rd May 2006

Boeing Opens Georgia Facility to Support U.S. Air Force The Boeing Company [NYSE:BA] today opened a new facility in Warner Robins, Ga., to better [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 24th May 2006

Boeing and SAIC Award Honeywell Contract to Develop Future Combat System Class I Unmanned Aerial Vehicles The Boeing Company [NYSE:BA] and partner [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 25th May 2006

Boeing Launches Next Generation Earth Observation Satellite for NASA/NOAA The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] announced today the successful launch of th[more]

April 2006

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 26th April 2006

Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet Demonstrates Network Capability in Multiple JDAM Drop oeing [NYSE: BA] has successfully demonstrated the capability o[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 26th April 2006

Boeing Awarded Contract to Upgrade B-1 Bomber Radar The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has received a $180 million contract to upgrade the fire control [more]

February 2006

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 17th February 2006

Boeing Defense and Homeland Security Technology Wins Top Trial Designation Boeing information sharing technology that supports defense and homeland[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 10th February 2006

Etihad Adopts Boeing's Airplane Health Management System for new 777-300ERs Boeing [NYSE: BA] and Etihad Airways have announced the introduction of[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 7th February 2006

Boeing Delivers "Spirit of Hawai'i - Ke Aloha," First USAF C-17 in Pacific Region Officials from Hickam Air Force Base in Honolulu today took deliv[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 2nd February 2006

Boeing Successfully Completes Additional Milestones on GPS IIF Program Boeing announced the successful completion of several major milestones on th[more]

January 2006

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 30th January 2006

Boeing Offers Efficiency Enhancing Feature for Next-Generation 737 Boeing today announced a new carbon brake option that will reduce airframe weigh[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th January 2006

Wedgetail Aircraft Delivered to Boeing Australia for Airborne Early Warning and Control Modifications ST. LOUIS, Jan. 16, 2006 -- The next chapter in[more]

December 2005

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 15th December 2005

Boeing, Cathay Pacific Airways Finalize Agreement for 777-300ERs The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] and Cathay Pacific Airways yesterday signed a defini[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 16th December 2005

PPG Selected to Provide Dimmable Windows for Boeing 787 EVERETT, Wash., December 15, 2005 – The Boeing Company [NYSE:BA] has selected P[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 19th December 2005

Innovative Boeing Maintenance System Selected by Thai Airways Boeing [NYSE: BA] and Thai Airways International have signed a contract to implement [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 7th December 2005

Boeing and Royal Air Maroc Complete 787 Dreamliner Order The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] and Royal Air Maroc today announced the firm-order agreemen[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 6th December 2005

Second Boeing X-50A Dragonfly Canard Rotor/Wing Prototype Completes Hover Flight The Boeing Company’s [NYSE: BA] second canard rotor/wing (C[more]

November 2005

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 20th November 2005

Emirates Places Order for 42 Boeing 777 -Airline Makes Largest Firm Order for the 777 in History, with 20 Additional Purchase Rights -Order Will[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 15th November 2005

Boeing Integrated Defense Systems Achieves Full CMMI Level 5 Certification at 7 Major Sites Integrated Defense Systems has achieved CMMI Level 5 ra[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 15th November 2005

Boeing and Industry Partners Prove Quiet Technologies for Commercial Jets A three-week flight-test program recently completed by The Boeing Compan[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 15th November 2005

Boeing Launches New 747-8 Family Boeing Launches New 747-8 Family -- Cargolux and Nippon Cargo to buy up to 34 aircraft -- 787 technologies to in[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 1st November 2005

Boeing Awarded National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Security Data Contracts Boeing received approximately $24 million in new orders from the Nat[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 3rd November 2005

Boeing and Ariana Team Up for Airline's Renewal Boeing and Ariana Afghan Airlines have finalized a fleet renewal plan that includes the lease of tw[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 3rd November 2005

Boeing Starts F/A-18F Aft Seat Testing of Joint Helmet-Mounted Cueing System Boeing started flight tests this month at Naval Air Warfare Center Ch[more]

October 2005

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 27th October 2005

Air New Zealand Increases Boeing 787 Dreamliner Orders Boeing confirmed today that Air New Zealand has placed an additional order for the Boeing 7[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 19th October 2005

Ryanair to Launch Innovative Boeing Maintenance Package in Europe SEATTLE, Oct. 19, 2005 -- Ireland-based Ryanair will implement the Maintenance P[more]

September 2005

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 30th September 2005

Boeing, Thales Sign First 787 Dreamliner Wireless IFE Agreement Boeing has selected Thales as the first recommended in-flight entertainment provide[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 26th September 2005

Boeing and Avion Group signed final agreements for the purchase of four Boeing 777 Boeing and Avion Group signed final agreements for the purchase [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 26th September 2005

The U.S. Army has award's Boeing two contracts The U.S. Army has awarded Boeing [NYSE: BA] two contracts to perform conceptual design and analysis [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 22nd September 2005

Ninth Boeing Ground-based Midcourse Defense Interceptor Emplaced The Boeing [NYSE: BA] Ground Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) program team and the Mi[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 20th September 2005

Boeing Projects $213 Billion Market for New Airplanes in China BEIJING, Sept. 20, 2005 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] detailed its 2005 Current M[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 19th September 2005

Boeing and Bell Helicopter Deliver First Production CV-22 Osprey ST. LOUIS, September 19, 2005 – The U.S. Air Force has taken delivery of th[more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 18th September 2005

Boeing Announces Key Executive Appointments in Saudi Arabia RIYADH, Sept. 18, 2005 – The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has appointed two senior [more]

Boeing Defense, Space & Security 15th September 2005

Boeing, Jade Cargo Announce 747-400ER Freighter Order SEATTLE, Sept. 15, 2005 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] and Jade Cargo International, the fi[more]

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